Grit substitute?

I have been using grit and crushed oyster shell as bedding for nests, especially when the nest is to be used to support broodies incubating a clutch of eggs. When spent, the nesting material is through out into run or common area where feeding stations are located.
Am I missing something here? I have had chickens for over three years and have never given them grit because I read that they know when they need it and will get it from the dirt around them. And I do give them treats, probably too often, but I they've never had any health issues. What kind of problems will not giving them grit supposedly cause?
Am I missing something here? I have had chickens for over three years and have never given them grit because I read that they know when they need it and will get it from the dirt around them. And I do give them treats, probably too often, but I they've never had any health issues. What kind of problems will not giving them grit supposedly cause?
Not having grit can cause impaction in birds (all birds, not just chickens if you didn’t know). Grit acts like teeth for them, so it’s important they get it from somewhere. They can get grit from dirt around them, but it’s always better to have some out in case they need it and can’t find any.
registered American Shetlands - ranging in height from 38" to 44" (the ones pictured) with the larger "boy" being a 1/2 Arab/Shetland (sired by our first shetland stallion, out of an Arabian mare).

At one point we had 33 head. Now we are down to 10 with 9 here and 1 out on annually renewing lease.

I have actually participated in several threads on "horses" and have LOADS of pics of our ponies on BYC. Unfortunately, I didn't put them in albums on BYC and I'm not sure which threads they are on... Our own website is currently down due to a SNAFU with Word Press - which I haven't been able to address.

Edited to add - sort of grew up with horses (well, here and there). For me, there has been a much higher learning curve with chickens and gardening then there has been/is with the horses/ponies. But like with chickens - there is SO MUCH garbage about horses out there on the different forums, internet in general and YouTube that it's CRAZY! :lau Also, we (the human race - especially americans) have done so much damage to all breeds of horses to make them pretty, that it's amazing any live or can be ridden. 'Nuff said or it will take off on it's own, LOL.
Thank you for all the information! I would love to have horses--or mules--or donkeys--someday far in the future. (Not likely to happen)
Separate question: how do you create albums here on BYC?
Actually, I may have some, now that I think about it. Well just searched around and they aren't there... :(

I'm not sure how to do it since this forum/site have been updated/changed. You would need to go to the instruction area for that.

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