Grit Vs Gravel?

Poop Cleaner

In the Brooder
Dec 13, 2015

Is there any difference between grit and gravel? I have a pile of gravel just sitting around from digging up the driveway, as well as aquarium gravel.

I was thinking about using it to fill in some holes in the coop. Will chickens eat it, and will it harm them?
Thanks! Is it necessary to still supply feed store bought grit if I let them free range daily?

Personally I never give grit. My flock free ranges and they get what they need from foraging. Obviously it's a personal choice.

Not in my experience. They wil seek it out whilst foraging. If you are concerned however, there's no reason not to give grit as an option.

I wouldn't say it's necessary. Most animals if allowed to forage will find what they need, they've survived this long, they will continue to do so.

Relax. They are independent animals if allowed to be.

That being said, if it's making you crazy not giving them grit, go ahead and do it. It will not harm a thing.:D
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PC, it all depends on what your soil is like. If you live where there is nothing but sand, your birds would benefit from being offered some grit. If they have access to the ground and can pick up small pebbles, they should be fine. (think approx 1/8 - 1/4" diameter) Also, if the ground is frozen for more than 6 months of the year, they might benefit from having access to some grit during the winter. If the aquarium gravel is not the colored kind, I wouldn't worry if they ingest it. But as PP stated, it's most likely too smooth to be of benefit to them.

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