Growing fodder for chickens

In a world without google I would be SO clueless. I don't even know how many times a day I will be talking or thinking about something and then think "I wonder...". So of course then I have to look it up, because I'm one of those gotta know people.
I can so relate! I do that all the time. It's terrible when I have something I need to research and our internet is down. When I gotta know........I gotta know NOW!!
I gave my chickens fodder for the first time today they weren't to sure about it but when I went to check for eggs later it was all gone. It was BOSS. Started my second batch this morning I am just growing it for treats.

Chickens aren't the most welcoming of new experiences, but soon enough they will be pros at eating it

Sprouts instead of fodder, but same principle
My chickens go bat poo crazy for their BOSS fodder/sprouts. :) I have noticed that I have to break it up so it's not all one sheet of roots and sprouts or they won't eat the roots. If I break it up a bit they eat the whole thing though. Makes a great winter treat for them. Especially with this lovely weather that's kept them hanging out in their coop lately the big wimps.
Chickens aren't the most welcoming of new experiences, but soon enough they will be pros at eating it

Sprouts instead of fodder, but same principle
Hey Kassaundra, is this BOSS sprouts or did you use something else? (When I first say it I thought of mung bean sprouts...I've sprouted those in the past for myself)
This is wheat and oats. I have trouble w/ boss it usually molds no matter what I do, so I don't sprout it. I sometimes add corn though.
I can sprout BOSS easy, but always get mold on my wheat! :) Maybe it depends on the source of the seeds?

And sonic screwdrivers are very cool. Bowties are not however. :)

Bow ties, fezes, striped scarves all cool!!!!! lol lol Did you watch Day of the Doctor the other day?

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