Growing up on a farm

I have a 120 acre working farm now with all animals in production and hay fields and crop fields.

Nope. I was raised in a NJ neighborhood. My parents don't like animals..LOL...I am the black sheep of the family. Everyone else is in the city type situation, I am in the country!!!
That's so great that you adopted a completely different lifestyle:) There's the saying"how can you keep 'em down on the farm when they've seen gay Paris" Well, I moved to Atlanta right after highschool, saw it's "charms" and came running back to Indiana, lol.
I think it is good we all experience other situations, other types of living along the way. For me I love animals---horses are what pushed me into wanting land. Farming came after the horse hobby!

The more ways we live, then we find out truly the way we really want to live our lifestyles.
Was born and raised in the city but truly grew up when the family and I bought our farm. When I was younger we would visit grandma and grandpa's farm in WV. I couldn't stand the smells and didn't understand how someone could live like this. Now that we have our own farm with chickens and pigs and trying to keep cattle it has changed my way of thinking. According to my husband the city comes out in me once in a while. But I wouldn't change my lifestyle now for anything! I am the city girl and hubby's was born and raised a country boy.
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I grew up in a very rural area, but not on a farm. Now live in the city with my DH (who was a city kid), I'd give anything to go back to a rural lifestyle.

Born and raised in California in the city... Husband and I moved to Oklahoma with the kids 3 years ago.
We have 13 acres 2 horse, 2 labs, alpaca, and too many chickens... My home is a country charmer in my
eyes and I LOVE IT. Wouldn't trade it unless I got all of this and an ocean view....
i was raised on a dairy farm in WV - we milked 40 head of cattle twice a day, and had about 60 total head. It was a hard life as there was no day off and no vacations that I can remember. I wasn't crazy about it at the time, as we all worked very hard and my folks did not make a lot of money at it, but it was a very good life. A good family life made light of the work. it made us kids know how to work, not complain, and we still look back on it fondly and have good memories.

I still live on a part of the farm, but only have a dozen chickens - no other farm animals.

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