Growling Rooster


12 Years
Nov 1, 2010
Northern L.P. Michigan
I heard growling in our small coop the other day and went to investigate. I found our head rooster, Mr. Fuzzy Pants, an Ameraucana with a hen. He was in the corner with his head down scratching and growling. The hen in there with him was nesting or trying to, but then she left and he stayed. The whole time he was growling. It lasted at least five minutes and then he was on his way. Any ideas?
Normal roo behavior. It is his way of wooing and directing the ladies.
X-2 just a Roo being a Roo, he'll have some other new noises for you coming up as well.
Growling can also be a warning. (although it doesn't sound like it in your case) The first time my rooster growled was when I was closing the window on the coop after dark. It scared the crud outta me!

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