Grr, okay, what breeds should I get?


9 Years
Oct 28, 2010
My dad thinks BOs are the only bird to have... he claims that they're the best layers and the ONLY ones that will lay through the winter.

Right now we have a BO 'roo and his pullet daughter, and now 5 EE chicks and 2 RIR chicks.

What else should we get? I really wanted Giant Blue Cochins, but after some reasearch I hear they are stinky layers, which would make my dad mad.

Are Welsummers good layers that will lay through the winter in Seattle (seriously not a harsh winter.... gets below freezing for maybe 2 weeks, and not all at once).

*sigh* kinda frustrated. I'm sick of buff orpingtons, we had a flock of them for 5 years straight, and the last ones we got were small, flighty and aggressive. I didn't like them. Most of the older ones were pretty docile, but the 2 year old ones were evil. We have a BO roo, he's nice enough, but I am tired of these boring buff birds.

Is there some other birds you know would lay better than BOs? I was wondering about Delawares, even though their coloration isn't that exciting. (actually I would be super interested in a BUFF coloumbian patterned bird...).

Any suggestions for fairly easy to obtain from hatchery birds...? Thanks.
Silver laced wyandottes lay pretty good. Our marans lay great too!!! We also have the blue cochins, and they dont lay the best in the world, but are gorgeous!!!
All my birds lay reliably thru winter: bsl, rsl, and bo. However, the BO goes broody - reliably - every February, August and November. She is approaching 3 yrs of age, and this is her very predictable pattern. She is totally stubborn about it, too, and refuses to be broken. Little stinker.
My RIR's have not stopped laying yet. There was a skipped day here or there over the winter, but other than that they are doing great.

How common are Blue Australorps? Are they as good? (I really don't want a black chicken...)

Do you think I would be able to find any Blues?
I like Barred Rocks as a "top vote". They're friendly, curious and really good layers. They're also a lighter body weight than Australorps and Delawares (we raise those too) and the BO's. That means generally they fill out and start laying sooner.

All of the Sexlinks lay well, and quickly. We raise RSL and BSL, and also EE sexlink crosses. They always lay sooner than their counterparts.

We have Brown Leghorns and White Leghorns. I think the Browns are prettier and they lay as well as many other breeds, but the Whites we have lay better.

And I'll throw in a vote for the RIRs as well. Ours are good steady layers and prettier than the RSL, a deeper almost mahogany red.

Best wishes convincing your dad to try another breed. Maybe he would be willing to try just 5 or 6 with the next batch of BO's? That might be a good start.

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