GSD-TV - The Chicken Whisperer


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 27, 2012
My german shepherd is fascinated with our new additions. She lays by the pen for hours, "talking" softly - probably whispering threats to the little dinosaurs. My kids say she's making menu plans.

oh so funny! I have 4 two week old Rouen ducklings that my female Golden Retriever has fallen in love with! She walks over to them, hangs her head down close to them and they will try and grab her collar tags and even peck at her fear!
Arent animals Funny ! Today I have a Roo with an injured foot that I brought in to the house until my son can get home from school to help me tend to his wound .. My three dogs checked him out as he is in their kennel and simply carried on as it was perfectly normal.. Even when he croed a few times they didnt even Flich.
I love how German Shepards talk. The low muttering as if they are thinking out loud. Neat photo!
I love how German Shepards talk. The low muttering as if they are thinking out loud. Neat photo!

And they are not shy about giving you their opinion either. I get a lot of sass, for example, when I tell our gsd that she must only give the cats kisses.

me, to dog, pointing at cat, "kisses only! no teeth!"

dog, to me, grinning and wagging her tail, "Rowr rowr rarar row!"

me, to dog, "no! kisses only!"

dog, to me, "Rowr rowr row"

She's been helping me with the chicks, actually. She lays outside the pen at one end and stays. This "herds" the chicks to the other end, closer to me, so I can put them in the coop for the night.

I do think she expects this exercise to end in dinner, though.

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