Guess on egg color?

Justanother Brooke

8 Years
Jan 29, 2011
Goldendale, WA
I know there is no way to know for sure until she starts laying, but I'm wondering if anyone has a guess on what color eggs my Poppy might lay. I've been told by people on here that she looks like an EE mutt, and I know that the leg color can be an indicator. Her legs are pretty yellow, so I'm wondering if she might lay any blues or greens, or will probably lay browns. I don't really care either way, since I know they will all taste yummy, but I am curious!
Leg color is not an indicator of egg color. The comb type is, though.

To be honest with you, she looks more like an Orloff cross than an EE cross.
EE's I thought almost always had dark or slate colored legs. She does look like a mix though. I would think that maybe you could get a green egg, but I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't more of a pinky light brown egg.
She does look similar to my EEs... so who knows?
It will be a surprise. What color are her earlobes? Is there any chance that she could give you white? Absolutely no idea on parentage?
I'll have to catch her tomorrow and look at her ear lobes...I'm sure she will LOVE that!

She was part of a mystery batch of chickens that an older couple that we got our coop from threw in with the coop, so I have not the slightest idea on parentage. They're all mutts, but they are sweet!
Okay, I bribed her with scratch, and took a good look at her earlobes, and they are white. Does that mean white eggs? Now, if I can just catch Buttercup and look...she is being extra skittish today.
Hi, I'm a newbie asking a newbie question ... wouldn't an EE have the Ameraucana "turtle neck sweater" look ... I mean feathers puffing out at the cheeks?

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