Guess the breed-Chicken

Oh, thanks, SilkiesForever! How did Snowy do at her show?
Your welcome! I haven't taken her yet. I wasn't able too. But this summer there's another one, and I plan to take her there!
what do you mean by copyright?
It means that the original author or creator of any creative work (writing, images, music, software, etc. etc.) has the sole right to copy (distribute, publish, sell, copy) that work for a set period of time (which is long, decades) unless he or she explicitly hands over that right to someone else.
They are a Standard breed. They are both the same breed and variety as far as I can tell. These are not my birds, and it is my guess you would not even find this breed in the US.
Okay, here is another clue, I originally found the breed on, but then searched other pictures of the breed and selected one of a variety other than the one I originally found on feathersite. They are a Dark breed, perhaps because they come from a dark continent?

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