Guess the gender of 6 mo Silkie


Free Ranging
10 Years
Aug 1, 2013
Here were my 2 silkies over the summer (Both hatched April1)

In August we determined that the big one was sadly a male. He went to live with a friend. Such a sweetheart! He remembered and ran up to me for cuddles when I went to visit in September.

The smaller one still looked female. Now they're just over 6 months.
Here's the smaller one now:


Still feels light (less muscular) and squats submissive sometimes when I reach down to pick up. ..... but are those streamers? Do males ever squat? Is this a pullet?


We have two 6 month old Silkies and the non bearded one is more fluffy and petite, definitely a pullet. But our bearded appears to be much larger, way fluffier (everywhere!), More of a "feathered" wing near the tips and what I thought to be streamers starting very recently. They are definitely different than the "fluffy" crest of the non bearded. Our bearded roo's streamers started growing a lot younger than this one's. I'm just wondering if the bearded have slightly different feathers from non bearded🤷 not sure if that helps, but I am having the same question as you. I do have to say though, mine has a slightly smaller comb, but she (🤞) is a buff and could just appear that way to me. Maybe someone can answer about the feathers being different between bearded and non bearded varieties.
We have two 6 month old Silkies and the non bearded one is more fluffy and petite, definitely a pullet. But our bearded appears to be much larger, way fluffier (everywhere!), More of a "feathered" wing near the tips and what I thought to be streamers starting very recently. They are definitely different than the "fluffy" crest of the non bearded. Our bearded roo's streamers started growing a lot younger than this one's. I'm just wondering if the bearded have slightly different feathers from non bearded🤷 not sure if that helps, but I am having the same question as you. I do have to say though, mine has a slightly smaller comb, but she (🤞) is a buff and could just appear that way to me. Maybe someone can answer about the feathers being different between bearded and non bearded varieties.
From my past silkies I noticed that the males get what feels like hair on their hackles and the tail/wing feathers are more shiny. In many breeds of solid color - like my buff - the males had uneven color (slightly darker on shoulders). This doesn't seem to apply to my black, so I'm really having trouble sexing this one.
Here is ours that has the thicker feathers starting to show. They don't seem to be growing longer or to the back like our roosters, she still has a round crest. I'm hoping she is still a she.


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I'm thinking roo
Here are a couple from this morning. I'll have to have someone help me hold her and wet down the fluff. But, I have an "alone" weekend with hubs and son gone so I will definitely be enjoying today and tomorrow, alone 😉 hahaha


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