Guess this is more of a "Random Ramble" than family life.


9 Years
Feb 23, 2010
But sometimes the line between the two, it gets
a little hazy.

Dad's still hanging on. But I'm afraid it's about over.
Down to a point where I help him from his bed to the
couch. Sometimes he just wants to spend the whole
day in his bed.

For the most part, I'm right close to him. In the house.
In the yard. Never far away.

Hard on Mom, too.

Those of you who've been here before me, know exactly
what I'm saying.

Dad decided he wants Thanksgiving dinner this weekend.
And that's fine. He wants his family around.

So life being what it is...I guess I've been offline a bit. I
dropped by the other night for a few minutes. Didn't read
much. Just setting. Marking time.

Halloween isn't much this year. Just can't get into it. I'm still's in the corn again this year. But I'm out front at all
times. My car right beside me. My friends understand the whys
of it. I'm one quick phone call away from my parents.

And so, if anyone has missed me, I guess that's the reason
why. Just kind of hunkered down and riding it out. It's all I
know how to do right now.

Spook...a very, very sad Spook
Spook, I have gone through the same thing. I can honestly say it is a little better knowing it is coming than a sudden loss and no time to say goodbye. Either way, it is hard. My sympathy and love is headed your way.
Hi, Spook.
I was just thinking about you. Good to hear from you, my friend.

The guy I work for over at the barn is in almost precisely the same spot with his 85-year-old grandfather. I hardly ever see him, and he's always in a hurry to get back to the house whenever I do. His wife is expecting their first child, due in about 6 weeks - I don't know how he holds it together, I really don't.

Take care of yourself. We love you, you are in our prayers.
So very sorry. I'm glad you had a lot of time to spend with your father....I lost mine when I was nine and even then never really knew him because.his illness changed him. I spent a lot of time growing up and watching other girls with their dads...knowing I was missing that.
Hug your dad...tell him you love him and I hope you find peace when he passes, but know he is always with are a reflection of him.
The waiting. The knowing. Nothing easy about the final wait.
Thinking of you. Praying for you. Do the small things. It's important.
It's never easy, the wait. But that being said you will always cherish the time you had beforehand instead of a sudden death.


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