Guess where Ken is?


The Great Guru of Yap
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Aug 25, 2008
The Carpal Tunnel Rehab Center
He found Guido. Nuff said.
Oh no!!! another party night with hilarious pathetic stupid man/boy stories that we can all laugh hysterically at??? please please please???
Since I am at home and those three are at Chili's in Fontana, I am sure I will get a blow by blow description of events, but alas, I am not there in person. THIS TIME!

Miss Jayne, you need to my Lord Help Me! thread to get a better idea of how my life has changed as I know it.
It's pretty darned funny!
Since I am at home and those three are at Chili's in Fontana, I am sure I will get a blow by blow description of events, but alas, I am not there in person. THIS TIME!

Miss Jayne, you need to my Lord Help Me! thread to get a better idea of how my life has changed as I know it.
It's pretty darned funny!

hahaha-thats if those dopes make it home-hope they dont get arrested from stealing the chili's chili off the top of the restaurant from drinking too many tini's!!!
Your welcome. I take my warning duties very seriously!

BTW - he called - he is on his way home. I said I was surprised. He said "We are old now".

ETA: They are ALL coming to our house on Sunday. Be prepared, where your depends when the post hits the airwaves. I promise to take notes.
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good gosh woman! are you trying to make me have another heart attack?

I was afraid to log on and see where he was... I was afraid you were going to say the hospital again... whew... it was only Guido.

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