Guess who I got?!



Sudden Reptile Fanatic
5 Years
Jul 8, 2018
Babies...! :D

22 of ‘em.. Wow.

Buff Orpingtons! Healthy, happy, fluffy little things.

Anyone have brooder ideas? Currently they are in a storage tote...which is probably okay for a day or so, but it’s honestly not enough space for them. Should I set up another tote? Or try to fix up a brooder big enough to fit all of them?


Also can anyone tell if this is marker or..??


EDIT- 10/2/20 - Go to page 7 for a big update.
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Hard to tell about the spot on the chick from the picture. Looks to me like a spot on the feathers though
Thanks! I guess to know for sure I’ll wait it out. :lol:

I used a kiddie pool, but 22! It’ll work for a little while. Where will you have them, inside or outside? If you have room, maybe fashion some poultry wire in your garage or basement when they’re bigger. If you have either of those spaces of course.
I plan to move them to the garage soon. They are currently in the house. The kiddie pool idea could work. I’ve got to make a run to town later anyways.
I as of yet have no reason to think it's not Orp.
It's pretty commonplace for them to get these speckles. Usually they grow out.

I also find the Buff Orp pullets often get their wings and tails in first, while many of the cockerels take up to 12 weeks to get a proper tail in. Not an exact science, but a good indication!
You should have a pretty good idea of the genders by 5 weeks, and if not, I'd love to help.

Update photos are definitely welcomed.
I as of yet have no reason to think it's not Orp.
It's pretty commonplace for them to get these speckles. Usually they grow out.

I also find the Buff Orp pullets often get their wings and tails in first, while many of the cockerels take up to 12 weeks to get a proper tail in. Not an exact science, but a good indication!
You should have a pretty good idea of the genders by 5 weeks, and if not, I'd love to help.

Update photos are definitely welcomed.
Ahh, I see. Thanks!

That’s pretty neat about the wing/tail growth. I’ll most definitely be posting pictures of them as they grow.

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