Guesses on what my EE is mixed with....and GO!


May 25, 2015
Windsor, PA
So this is one of my EEs but she looks different from the rest. Her comb looks different and she even stands taller.
Your bird is a cockerel - a lovely one, at that. If the birds you are comparing it to are also Easter Eggers and have a pea comb the difference in appearance is due to gender as males have 3 rows of "peas" in their comb(which get large and color up much earlier than those of females) where females have one. The saddle feathers (those where the tail meets the back) on males are long and flowy, think "Fabio" feathers, like your bird shows. The difference in posture is also a gender trait with males being upright and tall and females being more round and standing more parallel to the ground.
Thanks guys! I can totally see it now. Also explains why "she" was always the 'bully' of the bunch. At least until we rescued an older bantam rooster. My 13 yr old had picked this one because it was the odd ball (lightest in color) of all the pullet peeps. She named "her" Omlette..... Not sure that name is fitting anymore! Won't be getting any omlettes out of this one! Haha

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