"Guest Hen"


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 25, 2012

This is a stray that we first chased out of our yard because who knows where she has been but finally gave up as we can't camp outside all day to chase her away. She joins us everyday and stays until noon or so. She is flighty and will not let us near her. Had to sneek up on her to get her photo. She used to visit our neighbor - they like to watch birds and fed her. But then they decided to cut down a tree and now she stays in which ever yard is the most quiet. She still lays her egg in an un used trash can in their yard every day. She must be a bantam as she is small. She can fly and walks around on the top of the privacy fence between the yards. I don't know where she sleeps but I suspect a tree. Any ideas what she is?
My first thought was sebright but after more thought she looks more like Old English Game. She probably visiting looking for food... As winter kicks in it will be harder for her to forage.

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