Guinea Being Nasty to my Chickens

There is really no way to stop it except to totally separate them. I had a free range game mix rooster that my gang of guineas started hating. I think it was because Beaumont the roo had no hen to hang out with and he really liked the guineas and started trying to mate with any and all of them. The male guineas formed a gang and chased him down. They would catch up to him and grab onto his tail feathers to try to stop him. This would go on for hours usually just before roosting time every day. I would try to stop it if I was home but the guinea were persistent. He lost all of his tail feathers and most of his back feathers. I felt so sorry for poor Beaumont the roo but I couldn't catch him and he slept way up in a tree with the guinea. They eventually stopped when guinea mating / laying season was done. Beaumont the roo is doing fine, got all of his feathers back and is still running with the now larger flock of guinea.
yup,, seperate or eat 1 of em.,,, i have a herd of guineas that coexist with my chickens,, and its usually the other way round, i got 2 roo's just figuring out their roos,, and wow,, they LOVE them guineas,, haha

but that stopped in a week,,if they cant get along,, i eat the aggressor ( all cept my baby big leghorn,,, this is HIS place,,hehe
I raised 3 guineas with my chickens, when they started reaching maturity, they started becoming nasty. They would chase my silkie rooster until he was exhausted. Guineas can run a lot longer than a little silkie can. They just became real bullies, so now, needless to say they are no longer with us.

That is really your only choice. There isn't a way to stop the nasty-ness and have them co-exist.
Good luck!
:eek: Have to agree on seperate, or eat them. I had the same problem.

Needless to say I don't have Guieneas anymore.They were mean to my chickens. Even my Gander Goose.The male Guinea used to run ,and jump on the Gooses back.Tear feathers out. All the while the goose was still running!

I like Guieneas. Just wouldn't mix them with other birds.
I got one doing this now. I pen his butt up for a few days, that seems to calm him down for a couple days. I have to say these are the first group of guineas I've had that go back in the pen at night.

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