Guinea dying


In the Brooder
Jan 24, 2018
We have (had) 9 guineas - 5 royal purple, 2 lavender, and 2 white and some have laid eggs in the nesting box. We have 2 or 3 that appear to be taking turns sitting on the eggs - we have 2 nests that are side by side and have no idea how many eggs are in them. Day before yesterday we found one of the nesting guineas dead. There were no marks on it to suggest something had gotten to it, but are unsure why it died. We know that the lavender and white ones were leaving the nest to eat , etc but the purple one we can't be sure. Would they starve themselves to death by not leaving the nest to eat or drink? Anyone have any ideas or suggestions as to what may have happened?
They are guineas, there is no explaining anything they do, ever...

Did one of the other guineas kill it? Killing each other is a favorite hobby of guineas in the spring.. Did you check to see if it was egg bound?

As with all guineas, I suggest your drive a wooden stake through it's heart to make sure it is truly dead...You do not want a Zombie Guinea around, I know this as a fact...

How old was the guinea?

I learned in my years of having guineas around, nothing they do ever surprises me, and they just die sometimes...

I know I am not much help, but that is guineas. They are wildly entertaining but completely unpredictable at the same time.

Sorry you lost it.
It's possible she was egg bound. They can die in a day or so if that happens. I've never had a guinea kill another guinea. Especially the hens although the cocks may do some damage to feathers when fighting. I've never had one starve to death while brooding either. They always get off the nest to eat and drink every day.

By the way, Welcome to BYC. Hope you can find the answers you need.:frow
It's possible she was egg bound. They can die in a day or so if that happens. I've never had a guinea kill another guinea. Especially the hens although the cocks may do some damage to feathers when fighting. I've never had one starve to death while brooding either. They always get off the nest to eat and drink every day.

By the way, Welcome to BYC. Hope you can find the answers you need.:frow

I had one killed in a coup over leadership... it was ugly fast and unbelievable
Since we are new at this - what does "egg bound" mean? There were no marks anywhere on her that we could find to suggest one of the others killed her.
Since we are new at this - what does "egg bound" mean? There were no marks anywhere on her that we could find to suggest one of the others killed her.

An egg or two or more are formed or misformed and somehow block the eggs trip to the outside world. This can kill a hen occasionally.

And then sometimes, they just die for no apparent reason. It happens.

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