yes both coops and runs are side by side we plan on letting the guinea free range once big enough the hen the only one going back with the others w have alot of mixed chickens we have bought from people here and there and none of them are tame they run from you at the sight except for 3 golden comets they do not leave ur side so we have them n the large coop and run we are saving thr smaller one for chicks and broody hens but going to build an outside shed next to the coops for the guinea and allow them to free range when they are old enough...hpw old would that be

About 4 to 5 months. Only feed them at night when they come in!
Margaret 8, did this work for you? I was trying to use it on my guinea keet that has a spread leg problem. I couldn't get it tight enough for his little legs without spreading them out again with the length of the straw. He kept kicking it off. I think chicks' feet are bigger than a keet. I was just wondering if your chick came out of the spread leg condition. I ended up tying a piece of embroidery thread between his legs. It's soft and he won't be able to kick it off. My question is....I wonder if his condition will go away.
Margaret8, I was referring to your cool suggestion to use a small hair band with a straw cut between to hold the legs together. Someone else referred me to your diagram of doing this. I, too, think it is ingenious!
Margaret 8, did this work for you?  I was trying to use it on my guinea keet that has a spread leg problem. I couldn't get it tight enough for his little legs without spreading them out again with the length of the straw. He kept kicking it off.  I think chicks' feet are bigger than a keet.  I was just wondering if your chick came out of the spread leg condition. I ended up tying a piece of embroidery thread between his legs.  It's soft and he won't be able to kick it off.  My question is....I wonder if his condition will go away.
It should.
Thanks! I'll keep my finger crossed.
So anyone in Ohio with guineas having a problem with their hens laying "squirt/fart" eggs in the same week? I have a french pair just old enough to lay, 3 pearl/purple mixes, and a lavender hen; last 4 at least 1yr. 3:3 ratio but we moved them to a bigger pen at the beginning of the month.
My guinea fowl's legs are going black and no longer the orange they used to be has anyone out there any advice - is it disease or just normal
I have 4 5 week old keeps you am looking to add them to our flock for a while before we turn them loose to free range but want to be sure they know where home is... Im just worried about the size of our coop and run we have a coop that is 5w x 10L x 6h with a run that is 11 x 11 x 6h we currently have 5 banny hens 4 regular size hens and 2 regular size roosters
margaret8: Just wanted to let you know the keet I had with the spread legs problem is perfectly fine now. I had to tie his legs with embroidery string. That worked well. He got tangled up with another keet and I finally cut the string off and he was fine. Was a little comical. Came home from shopping, looked in their box and they were piled up with all four legs sticking in the air. They laid perfectly still while I cut them loose. Then, off they skittered and no more spread legs! haha
Thanks again for your help. It worked! :)
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