Guinea hen gone broody

LOL, the more the merrier? Are you sure it's her mate and not a 2nd Hen? Because the hens can/will share nests...
If it is indeed her mate then I would take that as a sign that he will be a good Poppa Bird to the keets
I have not had any of my males sit on the nests, but have seen them stay near the nest and Hen all day long while she is sitting... but eventually they gave up and went back to roosting with the rest of the flock at night.
The thing is, he stays with her wherever she goes in the day, but still roosts with the chickens and other guineas at night.
That's normal... and good actually. That way if a predator gets to the nest you don't lose a pair of birds AND all the eggs... (just a Hen and the eggs, which is bad enough

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