Guinea talk.

i hope and pray it's not Mareks. I'm so sorry to hear this I hope he gets better. Are they free ranging yet?

I think Spider is growing up. He won't jump up on my lap anymore. You have to catch him to get him to sit on your lap. My husband held him today so the mailman could pet him. He thought Spider was really unusual.
Hi there!

I've had a terrible time trying to raise my guineas because of the preditors in my area. 3 weeks ago I had 24, now I'm down to 8!

I've decided to sell the remaining 8 and I'm wondering if someone can tell me what color these are? Also, what is the going rate for 4 month old Guineas? One person offered me $15 a piece but a friend said that was too cheap, the young adults are no less than $40 a piece. So any advice would be appreciated.



Sorry, pictures are a bit blurry.

Im so sorry for your loss. I, too, live in a high predator area. I am flanked by conservation areas, in the midst of a 600 acre farm, ponds, ravines and a tree highway. I have often contemplated getting rid of mine as well. In Missouri you wont get more than $15 a bird, though you can find plenty for $10. Babies get $4-6 a piece. 3-6 months $10.
We are up to nine weeks with the Guinea Fowl - no picture this time.  I have one that I've been nursing and may have to make a decision on putting it down.  It started with a limp in the left leg.  I thought it had injured itself flying from the roost down - they're still not too steady with their wings.  It quickly progressed to being completely immobilized and no use of its wings.  I'm guessing Merek's from what I've been reading.  It's now in its own crate and is being cleaned a couple times a day.  Still is somewhat interested in eating and drinking.  Keeping a close eye on the rest of the flock.  Would be a shame to lose them all at this point.....

Thats so sad. I hope your guinea pulls through. I, too, have a baby that I have been nursing as well. Slipped tendon. He is splinted but the rubberband technique damaged his good leg. I will no longer seek advise on medical issues except through a vet. He was well on his way to recovery now this. If I lose him I may consider getting out of the guinea business altogether.

I will pray for your birds. You have done such a great job caring for them. I dont know what causes mareks but if there is a treatment I am glad you are giving the bird a fighting chance. Please keep us updated on his condition.
Charid I hope your little one gets better. You have done everything possible to help him. Please don't give up on raising guineas.
My prayers are with your little one and god bless.
i hope and pray it's not Mareks. I'm so sorry to hear this I hope he gets better. Are they free ranging yet?

I think Spider is growing up. He won't jump up on my lap anymore. You have to catch him to get him to sit on your lap. My husband held him today so the mailman could pet him. He thought Spider was really unusual.

Oh dear.... I was hoping Spider would always want to jump in your lap. That's funny. I'm glad your mailman wanted to pet him. Most people are very interested and they seem to be a novelty. Maybe you could start a petting zoo! Advertise that they can pet a Spider!

The keets have been free ranging here and there, although not as consistently as I would like to have them since I still have Henry. I have to net him in the morning and carry him down to the lower garden or crate him while I let them out or he will terrorize them. I'm hoping I can transfer him to his new home soon. I think he'll be happy being the King again.

One of my friends knows several Avian Vets in the area and she sent the info on the sick one. They weren't too sure that it was Mereks since guineas aren't usually susceptible. So, it could be related to an injury. I'm going to give it some time and we'll go from there. They did recommend having the body sent somewhere if it dies or I decide to end it's life. I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, we have a sick bay going in the floor of the coop.

Very hot next couple of days. My birds do seem to be stressed by the heat. I've been giving them a homemade Pedialyte to drink. I figured that couldn't hurt.

Have a great day and thanks for your positive posts. Always good to hear from you!
Thats so sad. I hope your guinea pulls through. I, too, have a baby that I have been nursing as well. Slipped tendon. He is splinted but the rubberband technique damaged his good leg. I will no longer seek advise on medical issues except through a vet. He was well on his way to recovery now this. If I lose him I may consider getting out of the guinea business altogether.

I will pray for your birds. You have done such a great job caring for them. I dont know what causes mareks but if there is a treatment I am glad you are giving the bird a fighting chance. Please keep us updated on his condition.

Thank you for your concern, charid. We all take such good care of our guineas, we really do get connected and want what's best for them. It sounds as though you have poured a lot of time and love into your birds as well. So sad to hear that you may not keep your guineas and I hope your little one does end up healing. It's a tough decision to make to try to nurse them ourselves or contact a vet. Such an added expense, but sometimes well worth it from the standpoint of learning for future events. Thank you for your prayers... I appreciate your thoughtfulness. I'll let everyone know if there's any progress. Still eating and drinking, but little movement. Was showing some interest in preening yesterday, so I thought that was a good sign. I'm going to float it in some Epsom salts today - thought it could use it to cool off and the water therapy might help the problem. It's worth a try for a few weeks and then I'll have to re-evaluate. Have a good day!
Thank you for your concern, charid.  We all take such good care of our guineas, we really do get connected and want what's best for them.  It sounds as though you have poured a lot of time and love into your birds as well.  So sad to hear that you may not keep your guineas and I hope your little one does end up healing.  It's a tough decision to make to try to nurse them ourselves or contact a vet.  Such an added expense, but sometimes well worth it from the standpoint of learning for future events.  Thank you for your prayers... I appreciate your thoughtfulness.  I'll let everyone know if there's any progress.  Still eating and drinking, but little movement.  Was showing some interest in preening yesterday, so I thought that was a good sign.  I'm going to float it in some Epsom salts today - thought it could use it to cool off and the water therapy might help the problem.  It's worth a try for a few weeks and then I'll have to re-evaluate.  Have a good day!
Charid I hope your little one gets better.  You have done everything possible to help him.  Please don't give up on raising guineas.  :hugs  My prayers are with your little one and god bless.  

Thank you so much. I take the prayer business serious here and will take all the help I can get. I will pray also for GlennLees birds. Preening is always a good sign of recovery.

GLENNLEE - The vet I took Baby to was very kind but she didnt have the slightest idea how to treat him. I called her about the splint coming off before he even made it out of the cage but that was 3 work days ago. No word back. The other vet was 2.5 hrs away, which was a little closer than I first thought but he charged exorbant fees and required taking off from work which just isnt possible.

Baby was well on his way to being 100% yesterday morning. Went to work. The rubberband straw technique was a colossal failure and Horrible treatment technique. It had got caught up on the splint pushing the straw over and making one side tighten down on the good leg. Before that he was set.

Anyway this morning he was slightly better but not like yesterday morning before the rubberband. Even with my last splint I cant say whether the tendon is in place. I had put it in place but while taping it could have easily fallen out. I wont know until it comes off on Fri or Sat.

Just this morning an older baby was attacked and then horribly cannibalized within a matter of seconds even as I was standing right there!! I grabbed him and wrapped his neck simply because though the hair and epidermis was gone his dermis was not damaged at all. He was put in isolation. When I checked on him after work it appeared both eyes were swollen shut. I disinfected pecking wounds and rinsed eyes. I gave him water. He drank a lot. I pushed his beak into the food dish but the seperation was making him anxious and he did not eat. Anyway the left lid popped open but I could not tell if his eye was there or not. I have a pic of his neck. The birds were laid right up against the fence this morning.. Coons coming out of trees. These guys didnt even try to get away!!So I added tin skirting to bottom on 3 walls but ran out.

I think that's the roughest part about Guineas - they are very aggressive with each other. I know Patti hasn't experienced that with hers - maybe because there are only two and a male and female. Mine were pecking each other in the neck and several looked like prize fighters one morning. I thought it was because they were in crates and it did seem to get better once they are out in the coop and run, but if looks like you have a good amount of space for them. I wonder if it isn't developmental too. I think mine were about 4-6 weeks when I say all of the aggression. Actually, I had 3 incidences when they were 1-2 weeks as well. If it helps, mine did heal up fine and they are doing better now at 10 weeks. I just have issues with the one adult, but I've been told that his behavior is normal, so I'm going with it for now. Good luck with everything - when they're like that, it's hard to go to work and leave them, but Guineas are rough and tough birds. I hope the skirting keeps the raccoons away.
Oh one more thing that was good advice from someone - they recommended focusing on the aggressor and removing that one. I did that with one of mine for a couple of weeks and then reintroduced him - I haven't had another problem with him. Not that it's a cure all, but if they are bullying one, they're bullying more than one.

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