Guinea talk.

Thanks GlenLee! Today I found one of my girls sitting on another nest! I guess with all the warm weather, they thougjt it was still summer! I hope we have a late winter.

Yes, they have been a bit crazy lately with the weather. We had a very cool, wet summer, so now they are feeling their oats and pushing limits to get in the last bit of sassy before the cold weather returns.

My husband took some pics of the "kids" to send me while I was gone. I swear they have grown and changed just in a week!

There's one of JoJo (my only survivor of the first flock) with the rest of the older teens and another of the Reds doing a sashay around the grounds. Looking forward to seeing them again soon.
September Guineas.JPG

September Reds.JPG
Yes..I'm hoping and think they will come out all white, but they carry the pied gene. So we shall see, but I think they'll be all white :fl
Sorry, white guineas do not carry the pied gene. The gene that causes white guineas in the U.S. is located on a different site than the other color genes are. Two copies of the white gene cause the guinea to be white no matter what other color genes that it may be carrying. One copy of the white gene causes the pied condition with the other dominant color gene providing the other color.

If you breed two white guineas together the theoretical outcome will be all white guineas. If you breed a white guinea to a solid color guinea the expected outcome is all pied guineas. If you breed two pied guineas together the expected results are 25% solid color guineas, 50% pied guineas and 25% white guineas.
Been a while on here needed to do a major flock update.
Fiirst I will start off with we sold Foxy and Juilette but in turn made a bread connection now i never have to buy it again as long as we live here.
Echo learned his lesson of being a brat after a week in camp one way. Now my four first hatched kids from this year are with the flock, Charlie, Echo, Blue, Delta and Zelda have pinless peepers on until they learn not to attack the kiddos.
LeeAnn is getting big still very much attached to me and James. The jumbos are getting big nearly as big as Lee and Howlie. The blue pieds are now outside in the dog kennel turned grower coop home to chickens and Guineas.
Main coop has everyone who we are keeping.
Chickens, ducks, turkeys and of course the Mob bosses Guineas.
I was surprised when we introduced a new rooster Charlie left him alone but I find they have a mutual respect and even eat together. The rooster is laid back and cuddly very well behaved with the ladies and even won the heart of the guineas chicken alpha Anya, who is now broody for the first time.
James got me a new camera so expect some photos!

Heres the original terror squad plus newerish

left to right
Charlie, Echo (yellow band back ground), Blue and Zelda delta is mia for this one.

Picture parade
9/10 you always find Blue and Charlie together. I think if something happened to either the flock would crumble.
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New boy, Leonidas
Reason for the name is one hen bucked up against him on the first day and tried to rooster fight him he kicked her with one foot and she flew across the run, ever since she has become his. And the new lady beside him is Lady Onyx
Both english Orpingtons.
Our newest members to have joined are,
x4 English Orpington
x1 Welsummer
x2 Silkies (in dog kennel with peeps and keets they are still on starter)


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