Guinea with a stuffy nose???


9 Years
Apr 26, 2010
Sacramento-3 Chicken Yrs
Hi there, everyone.

I have a male guinea, about a year old, who has never had any health problems that I know of. He still seems pretty well, running around, scattering the chickens, eating lots, and as far as I've seen pooping normally. I have him free ranging with the chickens, a duck, and a turkey all day, and he sleeps in the coop with them at night (the turkey insists on sleeping on the roof of the coop). I feed him chicken scratch and treats like Cheerios, oatmeal, and bits of bread now and then.

I have been noticing over the past two weeks or so that he seems to be developing a snuffle. I don't see any nasal discharge, haven't noticed a bad smell, and when I first became aware of it I tried cleaning out his nose. I managed to get a piece/flake of something out of one of his nares, something crumbly like dried skin or dirt or something. But that was like two weeks ago and I haven't really noticed anything when I'm around him during the day . . . still, tonight and I was worrying about him, so I went out tonight and checked on him in the coop. Before I even got in there (the door was standing open) I could hear his breathing whistling/snuffling a little bit, so I think it may be getting worse. It's a pretty quiet night out there, so maybe it's the same, but I'm still worried.

If anybody has any experience with stuffy noses or problems like this in guineas, please let me know. It would really help me out, he's really my baby and I don't want anything bad to happen to my funny little Gideon.
Somebody, please? I've already done a search for this and haven't been able to find anything about this symptom for guineas. If there's something wrong I need to start dealing with it before it gets worse.
guineas can get CRD and other things that could cause it, some anti-biotics might help

but it is rare a guinea will get really sick like a chicken

in fact its rare a guinea will ever die of a disease at all, it takes ALOT to get a guinea down

he should be fine but like i said anti-biotics might help.
Aj, thank you SO MUCH for responding.

That really helps put my mind at ease, you have no idea. I was about to start treating some of my chickens with sulmet, will that be okay for him, too?

Thank you again, so much!!
It is possible that he's gotten something caught in the nares since you managed to pull a small piece of something out. It might be food, it might be part of leaf, it could be almost anything.

My instinct would to be a vet or vet tech. They have the tools that will allow for looking closer to see what is visible and possibly removing a foreign body if one is present.

Getting foreign bodies stuck in the nares is not all that rare so it is a possibility, especially with the whistle sound.

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