Guinea with back feathered ripped off, what to do?


8 Years
May 29, 2011
One of my guineas was attacked last night and had its back feathers ripped off. It's back is pretty much bare. I'm in MD so it's getting cold. Is there anything I can do for it, should I put it down so it doesn't suffer, or do people think it can deal with the cold?

In most cases like the feathers grow back in 2-4 weeks as long as the skin has not been overly damaged. Watch the bird as it might need additional shelter from the weather, but I'm betting this won't be the case either.
They should be fine but if the skin is broken or a deep wound, here is my recommendation.

I first flush with saline solution.
If you catch it immediately you can use hydrogen peroxide to clean it. Don't use HP after the first day as it will kill the new cell growth.
Then coat the wound with betadine.
Not a necessary step but I then use Campho-Phenique which also relieves some pain.
Then an eye type triple-antibiotic ointment. The reason for the eye type is that it seeps deep into the wound because it melts at body temperature.

Do the above daily and some baby aspirin crushed in the water can help relieve pain.
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I'm not sure if this guy is going to make it, I found a big chunk of flesh missing from his rear when I cleaned him and he has another piece missing from the center of his back.
I'm not sure if this guy is going to make it, I found a big chunk of flesh missing from his rear when I cleaned him and he has another piece missing from the center of his back.
If the guinea is eating and drinking there's a good chance for survival; do as ChickenCanoe suggests. If it is not eating/drinking by tomorrow or so badly damaged you feel there's no hope, then it's time to consider options. Posting a picture would help us to help you decide.
I'm not sure if this guy is going to make it, I found a big chunk of flesh missing from his rear when I cleaned him and he has another piece missing from the center of his back.


Would be best to clean it with sterile water or saline and something like chlorhexadine (Novalsan). Should be okay unless the wounds are into the abdominal cavity or air sacs.

Ok well he ended up dieing this afternoon. That bird was incredibly tough. He ended up having two holes in his thorax and managed to get away.
I'm so sorry. :hugs


I caught the SOB last night.

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