Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

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I watched the video of that lady talking to suits about the slaughter of those cafeteria patrons.
You either cry with her...
Or you have the same expression the suits had.

You can't make a suit feel, because he has an agenda, and I believe that Redhen is correct in sensing an agenda on here.

I'm a wack-job because I own many guns. My father was a wack-job, because he had a safe full of them, and he was a highly respected engineer with an IQ that would blow my mind. But I guess he was a redneck because he had a gun.

Underground chicken guy is a lawyer and presented a case that would win in the most liberal of courts, so it was ignored.
Please Mr bad guy,could you give me 4 minutes to find the keys to the ammo cabnet?
wait I know I set those keys right there.
oh wait maybe they are over here.

come now, guns in one cabinet, ammo in another in a different room, where is the sense to this?
prime example of this being very ineffective.
5:00am, mink in the chicken coop, yell for hubby, who bounces out of bed, grabs the gun pulls the bolt back only to find its unloaded, rummages around for 5 minutes because HE forgot where the shells were.
comes out screaming at me because he cant find them,
Me: well where did you put them?
Him: they were right there,
Me where there?
finally he finds them, big whoopyty doo, I had already beat the heck out of the mink with a broom handle ( eyah not overly bright but what do ya do?)
Mink is chased off for the moment, then I look at the shot gun he was going to use, now keep in mind hubby wasnt thinking, here he has a shot gun with rat shot,( scatters for a quick kill), UM yeah ok smarty pants and you were going to shoot the mink INSIDE my coop with chickens everywhere?
Trapped the mink and dispatched it with a pellet gun.

I am all for the feel good idea of putting the bullets not where the gun is locked up, IF that makes you feel safe.
Personally I want that firearm where I can get ahold of it with out fumbling for keys, I want that amo where I can get at it with out hunting for keys,
in other words I want gun and ammo right where I can grab and go if there is a situation.
My grand children ages 6 to 12 have been taught you do not go near firearms with out an adult present, you do not touch them, pick them up, point them at anything unless there is an adult present.
and this applys to BB guns and the Pellet guns.
Gun Safety starts at home, teach children what they are, show them what they do, teach them that there are proper times to employ a firearm.
Children are clever little creatures they get it.

Tell a child NO You cant touch that, do not give them a reason and see what happens, and this applys to anything not just a firearm.
They want to know why you said no, so the first thing they are going to do is pick up that " No you cant touch that" and see what happens.

insert name, No you cant play with matches
an hour later little insert name comes in with burned fingers, or worse,
why did you do that? I told you not to?
little insert name You didnt tell me why, now I know.

very hard lesson for poor little insert name.
I'm not too sure about children not touching guns because they know what harm they can do, children sometimes have poor judgment. Maybe a kid comes over whose never seen a gun before, one wants to show off in front of the other kid and wala! You have a horrible scenario on your hands. I think guns shouldn't be around children. There needs to be some precautions in place. Like keeping them locked up. I wouldn't want my son going to a neighbor's house where he'd have access to a loaded weapon! SCARY thought!
I am not saying leave the firearms where kids can get ahold of them, what I am saying is teach them, show them, educating a child to the dangers will in fact create a more responsible person.
I respect your opinion on a loaded weapon and children, but that's generalizing all children are show off and no thoughts.
Not all children are like that.
Our firearms are up and away from little fingers, they do not have access for them at anytime unless WE are right there.
The 12 year old female knows every aspect of what a gun can and can not do., as does the 8 year old the 7 year old and the 6 year old.
She will not even pick up her BB gun with out asking husband or I to be there with her. this is all in the teaching process.

If we teach fear on a constant basis we do an incredible amount of damage.
teaching acceptance of other ways of life are a much better option.

I have heard this from one of my oldest grand daughters friends mother, and no less to my face,
My daughter can not come to your house because you have guns in the house.
OK well fine with me I dont have an issue with that that's her choice. my nor her choice should have a direct influence on the children's friendship. But because of a narrow thought process the girls can not play together? that's silly and down right insulting.
The issue came up when the friend wanted to stay overnight, the mother asked if there were firearms in the house. I of course said yes. but they are not accessible to the kids. that didn't matter. it was the fact that they were in fact in the house. This was her only concern.
I am sorry but shouldn't have the question been one of more importance?
Like maybe : You have a large dog, does it bite?
You have large birds are they allowed to be out and do they bite?
You have snakes do they ever get out ?
You live right near the road , will the girls be supervised while outside playing.
What about the brook out behind your house, will the girls be playing near it?
None of those questions were asked.
That child is more in danger of being chewed up from the uncontrollable flea population right now than she was by having a gun in the house.

Fear mongering is out of control, why spread fear of something that has never been properly explained?
Heelers&Chickens_OhMy :

I would go 'Eeek!'....just like I just said to myself. I want to keep stating that I am pro responsible gun ownership, but I wasn't raised with them.

It makes me very nervous to think you carry a gun with you everywhere. Why do you need to do that? Out to lunch!? Really!? I feel like this takes 'better over prepared than under' to a new level.

Is the gun on you loaded? I would hope not....that I would find very stupid. I just feel like it's so easy for accidents to happen. Take cars for instance - we take them everywhere and they are generally deemed safe by the people who own them, but no one is perfect and even the best drivers end up in accidents (the one I was in was the fault of the tire, not the driver). Seeing as it's not essential to carry a gun everywhere, why do you risk such an accident? (Read: brainless football player Plaxico Burress).

I am NOT ok with the recent passing of concealed weapons allowed in bars (with permits). I do not think that EVERYONE with a CCW would not drink with their gun on them. Alcohol + anything that has high chance of hurting some one should NOT mix.

However, if you would like to carry your gun on you late at night, out hunting, while banking, or in the 'bad' part of town, I can understand that. Are my thoughts unreasonable? If we really want to come to 'a meeting of the minds' I really need to understand why you need to take your concealed weapon everywhere.

Uh yeah if i have my gun on me it is loaded what would be the reason for carrying a unloaded gun i could just throw rocks. Do you know that more people is killed by doctors in the usa then just about anything death related. But being serious i pack a gun where it is legal to do so and yes it is loaded no i dont have one in the chamber but it just takes me just a second to get the .45 ready to start barking. Oh far as the plaxico burress incident people will never know what happened at that night club but i would say goofing off or doing something stupid which you should never do with a gun​
I am not taking sides in this debate. I truly love a good debate. It has been said, that the mind is like a parachute. It can only work when it is “open”. I like to read to keep my mind open.

This book takes into consideration the history the conditioning of humans to kill their own kind.

The taboo in the animal kingdom has always been the killing of one’s own kind. Usually the losing animal is free to flee and not hunted down and killed. Unlike any other animals, humankind has to be rigorously conditioned to pursue and kill its own. Unless one is truly deranged, the killing another is not as easy as the movies make it look. I think the history of this is very interesting.

In the first wars, people would close their eyes and shoot over the heads of the enemy. As time went on organizations made sure that one’s aim was made more deadly to the “enemy”. And, now we teach killing as an art.

Life and death issues are split second timing, and most individuals are not prepared for that. What really happens is a “taught” reflex to fear. When this happens, may god have mercy on your soul.
However, if you would like to carry your gun on you late at night, out hunting, while banking, or in the 'bad' part of town, I can understand that. Are my thoughts unreasonable? If we really want to come to 'a meeting of the minds' I really need to understand why you need to take your concealed weapon everywhere.

For the same reason you always should wear clean underwear, ya never know when you will be caught with your pants down. But then I am one of those 'wacka doos' with more than 10 pairs of clean underwear...
Wow! Lots of diverse perspectives, here.
(And I was widely quoted

About being a wack-a-doo: I am a chicken owning wack-a-doo, so I do know a bit about excess... I suppose that would make me a collector. I do not have a problem with gun collectors. Go ahead & own several; keep them locked up safely; good for you. I am not anti-gun. I know a couple of ladies that thwarted break-ins, each with a trusty shot gun. Good for them!

I do have a difference of perspective with people who think they need an arsenal of semi-automatic weapons to save themselves from FILL IN THE BLANK (illegal aliens, feminists, thespians, vegans, bad guys, gangstas...) I am not sure if Mr. Arse-n-All would be able to pull a Matrix style 1,000 bullet defense if surrounded by ninjas. Get my drift? In my experience & perspective, attacks by roving bands of ninjas (thespians or gangtas) is more the domain of an active imagination. (Again, please understand. I acknowledge the utility of a gun or two for many people. Just like I acknowledge the utility of guard dogs & locks on the door). However, I think it more likely that Mr. Arse-n-All's stash would be the target of some meth-heads looking for something to sell than anything.

I also do not understand the mechanism by which we, law abiding folks, are currently being disarmed. I have read alot of alarmist generalities, online & in press. I'd like to be able to understand *how* we might be disarmed by our government, because I do not see it.
Why would you carry an unloaded gun?

I keep my gun loaded for the same reason I keep gas in my truck--it doesn't work without it! A truck with an empty gas tank is a pretty useless thing. An unloaded gun is just as useless--just extra weight under my jacket dragging me down to no purpose. You can bet that any criminal out there carrying a weapon has it loaded.

It's only in the movies where you wave a gun and spout off like Dirty Harry and the criminal falls down in fear. In real life they just pull the trigger.


edited to add:

I also do not understand the mechanism by which we, law abiding folks, are currently being disarmed. I have read alot of alarmist generalities, online & in press. I'd like to be able to understand *how* we might be disarmed by our government, because I do not see it.

By raising taxes on ammo and a few other things that are being proposed regarding said ammo. As I pointed out above, guns are useless without ammo. It takes firing A LOT of rounds to become proficient, which becomes harder to do the more expensive the ammo becomes. Do you really want a lot of armed people on the streets who have not been able to afford the practice ammo it takes to become dead accurate?​
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In chicken terms:

If you were a chicken and a raccoon or possum decided that you looked like prey and you were cornered in your coop and your owner decided that your coop would be safer with no private chicken gun ownership, could the rooster in the time out pen really help?


Do not infringe on your chicken's 2nd amendment rights.

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