Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

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Yeh, sometimes the law makes no sense. There is the law and then justice and they aren't the same thing.
Lawyers will argue points of Law.

In Canada there would be two choices, he could not live in that house or the guns would be removed. The guns the police know about anyhow, not all guns are registered

The Canadian Gun Registry program became a huge black hole for money. It cost millions and millions of dollars and is it effective? Most gun owners believe it is moderately effective but not worth the price. You can't stop the black market, there is too much money involved.

From reading some of the horrible things that have happened to people we are pretty lucky in Canada, we don't have the crime like you guys do. But when it happens it is usually memorable, its either nothing or way over the top.

Maybe thats why so many Americans are moving here. Four new families just moved into our area in the last two years, three are from the US. Or maybe they like our golf courses

A just a reminder for those who are thinking of spending a holiday in Canada. Do not try to drive across the border with a loaded concealed firearm. They will seize it at the border. Canadian Customs don't take to kindly to that. They can get quite nasty.
That is hardly fair.

i am all for gender roles when necessary..but anyways, all this talk about guns is making me wish i had one!
You're joking, right? Just because military service is not your cup of tea, would you seriously deny every other woman in American the right to make that choice for herself? Remember, now, that we have an all volunteer military. Nobody serves who does not choose to serve. You surely cannot mean that someone should not be allowed to serve her country just because of which genitalia she was born with!

Same thing goes for combat. It's no different than wanting to be a cop. Thousands of women serve their communities as cops. They risk their lives every day to protect their families and friends from harm. So why should a woman not be allowed to choose a combat role in the military and serve her entire country the way she serves her own community?

Heck, I'm a guy and even *I* can see how chauvinistic your statement is.

I think that what you are really saying is that the idea of military service scares you. Nothing wrong with that. But it does not automatically follow that it scares ALL women or we would not have so many female cops patrolling our streets. I'll bet if you think about it, you'll see the logic of this. Women should be shown the same respect for their desire to serve as guys are and be allowed to choose for themselves if they will serve.

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I know what you mean. The fire station where my SO works would love it if a female fire fighter could be hired, but not one has ever been able to pass the physical test. I would never expect the fire stations to lower their criteria for the sake of allowing women in, but I've heard women in the military have different physical requirements than men? Whether or not that's true, I have reservations about people claiming all women can do anything men can do. I know for a fact, without even having to try, that I would never be able to write in the snow from a stationary point nearly as well as any man could.
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Women should be shown the same respect for their desire to serve as guys are and be allowed to choose for themselves if they will serve.


Exactly, as one of my DD's want to be on a air craft carrier or a submarine. Which was not so long ago resolved because of the living arrangements having to be made for females.​
Question, please?
Would they call women into service if they had a war draft thingie.(sorry..i cant rememebr the correct name of it now..)
Well what if you don't believe in God? Hikerchick is right. About the only right you have as a human is to breathe and go to the bathroom. All other rights are bestowed upon you based on where you are born. Not all cultures give equal rights to everybody. You sure weren't born with the right to own guns. Yes the government does give or take away rights. That's why you guys are making the ammo manufacturers rich. You think the new sheriff is going to take away your gun ownership rights. I sure do wish my worries were so baseless.

I think we should all have the right to own guns. I also think that we should all be held accountable for our guns too. I wanted to buy a small shotgun for varmints but all the paranoid gun owners have driven prices up too much.

The term God-given simply means something that was bestowed at birth, something you diddnt do for yourself. Whatever, maybe I should have said "natural" or something, but it means the same thing.

Even if you dont believe in God, dont you believe everyone has rights? It doesnt have anything to do with what someone can physically take from you.

If I wanted to, I could take away your right to breath and go to the bathroom too. A right is something you have because you are a person, you have a RIGHT to be alive, and with that comes the RIGHT to stay alive. It is really very simple.

YES rights can be taken away. But they are STILL RIGHTS. Even if someone is murdered, it does not take away the fact that they still had the RIGHT to live.

Edited because I cant type very well....
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