Gut before or after the cold water?


8 Years
Dec 4, 2011
Princeton, MN
My family and I were having a discussion about the process of butchering. We are butchering for the first time on Friday. My brother and I say you should gut before you put them in the cold water, and my parents say gut after you cool down. So I figured I should ask my trusted friends on Backyard Chickens. So- do you gut them before the cold water bath or after?
When we butcher we use two teams- the outdoor guys and the indoor guys.
Outdoor process includes killing bleeding then scalding and putting in the plucker.
The plucked bird minus head and feet is placed in icewater and the cooler of iced birds comes inside for the rest of the processing-
eviscerating, washing, bagging and refrigerating.
Birds rest in refrigerator for a few days, then once relaxed, go to freezer camp.
We use the cones from highway for killing- cheaper than stainless and every bit as effective.
Several can be mounted on a plank and multiple birds can bleed out at the same time. never even occurred to me to do the cold water first. The order I do it is:
  • Dunk in hot water to allow for easier plucking
  • Pluck
  • Eviscerate (with cold running water nearby, I can rinse/fill the cavity as I go, which helps to wash residual blood away while eviscerating)
  • Place in a stock pot of cold water in the fridge for a couple of days never even occurred to me to do the cold water first. The order I do it is:
  • Dunk in hot water to allow for easier plucking
  • Pluck
  • Eviscerate (with cold running water nearby, I can rinse/fill the cavity as I go, which helps to wash residual blood away while eviscerating)
  • Place in a stock pot of cold water in the fridge for a couple of days
Cold water first misses the point of cold water. It is to cool the carcass and avoid pathogens, getting them ready to put in the fridge to age 24 to 48 hours.

Cold water before plucking is a head scratcher. The point of the scald is to loosen the feathers. Why would you want to tighten them again before plucking?

I guess it would be okay to scald, pluck, cold water, eviscerate, then cold water again, but it isn't the direction I would go. never even occurred to me to do the cold water first.  The order I do it is:
  • Dunk in hot water to allow for easier plucking
  • Pluck
  • Eviscerate (with cold running water nearby, I can rinse/fill the cavity as I go, which helps to wash residual blood away while eviscerating)
  • Place in a stock pot of cold water in the fridge for a couple of days


X3 here :thumbsup never even occurred to me to do the cold water first. The order I do it is:
  • Dunk in hot water to allow for easier plucking
  • Pluck
  • Eviscerate (with cold running water nearby, I can rinse/fill the cavity as I go, which helps to wash residual blood away while eviscerating)
  • Place in a stock pot of cold water in the fridge for a couple of days


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