Ha Ha


14 Years
Sep 2, 2009
SW Florida
My other half just told me this and I realize it is probably true. I am must be a crazy chicken lady. Or just crazy that has got to be true. It is almost 145am and I am sitting here on a chicken board. Looking and waiting for someone just as crazy as me to post. I keep refreshing the screen to see new posts. The posts are slowing down ALOT come on wake up if I am here so should you be lol!!
Yeah the first part of recovery is admitting you have a problem.. The other issue tho is I like being crazy so now what?
I want to sleep. I really do. But I can't.

Good morning to all of you.
Although I really don't mean the good, as I am not happy that I am wide awake.

I noticed that Beekissed was awake also
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I was doing that all day since I was stuck here at home with a sick kid who did nothing but sleep on the couch and watch tv. I was soooo bored!
I get in trouble with my wife and her on-line friends because I'm supposed to be playing World of Warcraft with them. I keep alt-tabbing over to the chicken board and other blogs whenever there's a break in the action, and have to be yelled at to get back to the game.
Hehe hi neighbor in southwest Florida :p yupp were all crazy chicken people whenever I have a problem with one of my chickens my dad always says go ask your crazy chicken people they will know what to do and he's always saying " I'm gunna block that chicken website those crazy chicken people are aiding you in getting more chickens that we don't need" hahaha but he's only half serious lol
Yeah, but the funny thing is that the crazy chicken people can also tell you how to change the water pump on your Jaguar or how to can tomatos or cook a roast or make soap ...

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