Had a little surprise yesterday


10 Years
Nov 5, 2009
I've got a barred rock hen that kept getting out of my coop. I was tired of catching her and too lazy to put a top over it so I let her run with the rooster.

Well about a week ago I noticed that she had gone missing. I figured she may have gotten eaten by a coon or coyote.

Well yesterday when I was feeding here she comes walking up like “what’s up feed me”. I had a friend over and he said “you know what she looks broody”. As soon as he said that I thought to my self I hadn’t been in my goat barn for sometime and was wondering if she was sitting on eggs. Sure as heck I went in there and she was sitting on 15 eggs. At this point I don’t really know what to do besides let here sit them out and see what happens right? I’ve never hatched eggs so I really don’t know what to do.

What to do?
Ok copy that I will.

So if she has 15 eggs under her I'd assume she's been sitting on at least one of the for at least 15 days right?

What is the timeframe for hatching? I know go search and read right.....
No. They lay a clutch of eggs and THEN start sitting. The eggs will all hatch at roughly the same time. I usually remove chicks as soon as they are dry so the hen will continue to sit. If you leave the early ones with her she may get up and leave the nest before they have all hatched.
How long until they hatch? I guess I should take a peak in there every other day or so?
Then I would start looking for them in about 2 weeks. Hope you get some chicks!
Me too that would be pretty cool. My kiddos will think that's awesome. I'll post up some pics.

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