Had a rough day ... thanks for the verbal hugs!!

Just a little scritchy...

I'm going to go make some fresh Sassafrass tea... sans cayenne for now.
Awww, Tori, I'm so sorry about your day!

Poor bun bun! We've been through the same thing with a bunny, although not from the cold - from an illness. They are such sweet creatures it just breaks your heart to lose them. You will appreciate this, coming from a fellow Alaskan: We lost a bunny about a year ago in winter and the ground was too frozen to bury her (we have a young daughter - have to go through the funeral process) so we put her in the freezer. Typical for Alaska, right? Unfortunately, we forgot she was in there and didn't get her buried until right before winter hit this year! I just can't believe my addled brain sometimes!!!

The duck image makes me laugh because mine are the same way. Someone asked me why I don't let mine swim in the winter and that's part of the problem, because they would stay in there until the ice froze around their legs! They also give me fits every night when I put them to bed because they'd rather stay outside and, quite literally, be sitting ducks to every fox and bear that comes along. Silly birds.

I hope little Chip is just gathering his energy. Would he like some warm oatmeal, maybe, with a bit of sugar for energy? He probably doesn't have much in his little tum tum.

I'll be thinking of you and sending warm (it's 24 degrees here) thoughts your way. If you need a "warm" break you are welcome down in Kodiak anytime (just don't try to bring the boat over now!

Hang in there and may 2009 start on a better note.
Thanks Erin... I would so love to have +24F right now... it's -22F... woo hoo a heat wave!!!

I asked hubby what I should do with Thumper (yes, that's his name) and he said to leave him outside until he gets home. The only safe place was back in his pen... otherwise the dogs would get him. sheesh.
That is so true about the ducks... I'm beginning to wonder at our logic in keeping them. They're in a pen so I don't have to worry about them being "sitting ducks", but the rate the water freezes they WOULD be stuck by the legs!

I'm going to go check on Chip again, see if I can get some more fluids into him. Then bundle up and go check for eggs again.
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Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

Just a little scritchy...

I'm going to go make some fresh Sassafrass tea... sans cayenne for now.

Where on earth do you get sassafras in Alaska?!
I'm trying to get my hands on some fresh root bark because the dried junk online does NOT work for making decent tea.
Where on earth do you get sassafras in Alaska?!
I'm trying to get my hands on some fresh root bark because the dried junk online does NOT work for making decent tea.

I don't know!!
I brought it back with me from a recent trip to San Diego.
We went to a little town out east called Julian, and they have the most wonderful little shops with the yummiest stuff.
It's loose tea, too, so it's the good stuff!

Well, there is finally some improvement.
I went down and said "Hi, Chip-chip!" (that's kinda how he got his name...) and he actually raised his head up and talked back to me!
He sounds like someone coming out of a coma... dry scratchy throaty sounds, but it's Chip!
He just might make it! He even pooped, and took a couple of droppers full of vit/sugar water.

The dogs are envious because he has their spot in front of the stove...
Well, there is finally some improvement. I went down and said "Hi, Chip-chip!" (that's kinda how he got his name...) and he actually raised his head up and talked back to me! He sounds like someone coming out of a coma... dry scratchy throaty sounds, but it's Chip! He just might make it! He even pooped, and took a couple of droppers full of vit/sugar water.

That's great news! I was thinking of how long it takes to bring someone out of a really low blood sugar - and then trying to do it with just a dropperful of sugar at a time. Uff-da!​
That's great news! I was thinking of how long it takes to bring someone out of a really low blood sugar - and then trying to do it with just a dropperful of sugar at a time. Uff-da!

You got that right!!

I think he may have been dehydrated, too, which doesn't help.
And you live at the north Pole, why??

Hope the rest of the day was better and that 2009 starts off on the right foot!!


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