Had a rough day ... thanks for the verbal hugs!!

Thanks guys! -8F this morning (-22C, for EC!) and rising again. Sadly, we lost our little frozen-foot mallard this morning. Found her dead in her kennel during morning rounds. I wonder if she was sick to begin with, and that made the freezing worse.
I really don't know much about ducks... that's hubby's department (or at least I try to keep it that way.
) Her poos were very watery and had taken on a neon mint green tint. The rouen is still kicking, but her knees are swollen, and the webbing looks red and dried out. She's probably going to stay inside until it warms up a LOT more. Is there something I should give her?
So glad you are finally above zero, Tori! Now we just need to get the temps rising for Luvs and her girls up in the real frozen north!

I'm so, so sorry about your Mallard. What a tough time you've had with the ducks. Mine have been quite hardy in the cold, although we haven't seen near the temps you have.

We were above freezing (32 degrees, for those of you that never have to worry what temp freezing is!) today and now it's raining. Had some beautiful snow the last couple days though and took the kids sledding today before the rain hit hard.

I hope your Rouen heals up soon and the rest of the winter is easier on you. I'm sure you guys are running around in tank tops now that you are above zero. I know all the southerners would think we'd lost our minds! LOL!
+14F feels sooooooo nice.
I'm tempted to stay in my bathrobe.

I hope this was it for the worst part of this winter...
last year it seems like February was in the negatives too, and March 1st was the first day we had been above 0F for over a week, and stayed that way. So, maybe 6 more weeks of the rough stuff? I hope not. I have chicks that need to be moved out of the garage, and soon! They're outgrowing their kennels quick!
Hi Tori,
Was below freezing here this morning, and will be all week I guess. Am told it could be in the teens Friday morning. Looked out my windows, but didn't see any moose in the yard.
Good part is that it makes it into the 40's and 50's during the day. Since the first of the month I have hatched out 6 OEGB and three Silkie chicks. Still have several more eggs under two broody Silkie hens (Sterling and Sasshay of course).
Charlie! Hi! Are you responsible for the warmer weather up here?

I still need to get some updated photos of the 4 chicks I hatched from your eggs... well, they're not chicks anymore, they're over 6 months old! and absolutely beautiful.
The two hens are not laying yet, but I have a nest box all ready for them. They survived the winter just fine. The little blue, Marge, is so tiny and dainty. I worried about her, but the boys snuggle right in with the girls and keep them warm.
Glad its warmer there. I talked to my sister in Juneau and she said they have four feet of snow already (four feet in Juneau???!!!!). She said she was ready for another beach vacation in Texas. It looks like they are going to have another record snowfall year.

Hope the clouds stay for awhile and keep things warmer....
We've now got a heat wave going here!!!
It's _11 F. Yeah!!!!!!!! (Now for the slippery roads though!!!) Hope we con't get any more cold weather for the season!

Edited to add: The furnace actually shut off!! It's so peaceful without the furnace going!!!
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