Had quail eggs shipped to me. Packaged delayed. Still ok to hatch?

Feb 17, 2021
I had some celadon eggs shipped to me but they were lost in the mail and now have a delayed arrival. By the time they arrive they'll have been in the mail for at least 7 full days (IF they come tomorrow).
Are they even worth incubating? Is there a way to tell if any are still viable? With the insane heat wave I feel like they're probably just cooked.
Is there any way to know if they are just all a loss?
i would recommend putting them directly in the incubator vs allowing them to settle. you can candle to see if development may have begun prior to arrival. sometimes you can have a poor hatch rate directly related to the shipping delay, but you may be surprised too.
i would recommend putting them directly in the incubator vs allowing them to settle. you can candle to see if development may have begun prior to arrival. sometimes you can have a poor hatch rate directly related to the shipping delay, but you may be surprised too.
Thank you 😊 Fingers crossed that they come tomorrow and I can get them right in.
I had some celadon eggs shipped to me but they were lost in the mail and now have a delayed arrival. By the time they arrive they'll have been in the mail for at least 7 full days (IF they come tomorrow).
Are they even worth incubating? Is there a way to tell if any are still viable? With the insane heat wave I feel like they're probably just cooked.
Is there any way to know if they are just all a loss?
I had eggs that got lost and were in transit for 9 days. I incubated them and 19/36 hatched. It depends on where they got lost. I suspect mine got put on a shelf in the post office so they didn’t have it too bad over all. If yours were on a dock or in The back of a truck, they might not make it, but if they were indoors they could be fine. If you have one of those temp gun things, see what their temp is when you open the box. I left my turner turned off for 2 days per the breeders instructions.
I my eggs had arrived on Saturday (which would have been a full week later than expected) I would have tried incubating them. The general rule is that you're going to have your best fertility within 7 days of laying, but it really depends on the conditions they're kept in. People have successfully hatched eggs that were several weeks old.
I had eggs that got lost and were in transit for 9 days. I incubated them and 19/36 hatched. It depends on where they got lost. I suspect mine got put on a shelf in the post office so they didn’t have it too bad over all. If yours were on a dock or in The back of a truck, they might not make it, but if they were indoors they could be fine. If you have one of those temp gun things, see what their temp is when you open the box. I left my turner turned off for 2 days per the breeders instructions.
Thank you. I was hoping the got "lost" inside somewhere too 😆 We'll try starting them when they arrive and hope for the be
I my eggs had arrived on Saturday (which would have been a full week later than expected) I would have tried incubating them. The general rule is that you're going to have your best fertility within 7 days of laying, but it really depends on the conditions they're kept in. People have successfully hatched eggs that were several weeks old.
Thank you. 😊
I just recieved 32 today that got delayed 4 days..1 was cracked.. but i put the rest straight in the incubator with the turner off for most the day. Here's to hoping!
Keep me updated on how it goes. Mine came but in BAD condition. Most of them were crushed but I tried to save the few that I could. I put them in the incubator.... fingers crossed something happens! I'll candle on day 3 and see if anything is going on in there.
Mine were supposed to arrive on the 10th. The tracking says "Your package will arrive later than expected, but is still on its way. It is currently in transit to the next facility."

There hasn't been an update since the 11th.
Keep me updated on how it goes. Mine came but in BAD condition. Most of them were crushed but I tried to save the few that I could. I put them in the incubator.... fingers crossed something happens! I'll candle on day 3 and see if anything is going on in there.
I definitely will! I'm going to candle as well in a few days and hope for the best. Keep me updated as well!

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