Had to put my Shephard pup down today :/

Sorry for your loss. Take heart in that you had the courage to care for your friend even when it meant crushing your own heart to do so. That is a quality of a true caregiver. Time heals all things but nothing rushes time. Remember the love and happiness he brought to your home while he could . It is all they have to offer and they give it all freely. You suffer now because you had the fortune of being blessed, It would seem contradictory but in truth is not. Blessing seldom comes at no cost, it requires that we accept risk. That we will suffer loss. Your little one is now at peace, no longer sick or in pain or discomfort. In it's place you are left to carry that burden for a time. Carry it well and be strong for you have a heart that knows how to truly love, and the courage to do so. It is now my hope that the peace that Panzer knows will find root in your heart as well. That it will take hold and fill you with the memories of him that are worth keeping.
So sorry.
I am so sorry you had to put him down.

I have two friends with MegaE GSD's so this hits really close to home. One just had his first bday and the other has made it past her 5th. Any time there is a post with their name we hold our breath opening it.
How are they treating their babies?
Panzer was just sooo small, and malnurished. Once he started getting agressive with food I knew it had past the point of no return. He was 6 months, and less than 30 lbs. Despite all attempts to get him to digest more.

I wasnt aware how big of a deal the Enlarged E was in the breed. It will be a few years at least before I consider trying again, my heart is so broken over poor Panzer. But I hope I never have to deal with that condition again, it was very hard to see happen.

Thanks again everyone. Loosing a pet is the worst isnt it?

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