Had to take day old chick from mom - now what?


5 Years
Jan 23, 2015
We had one chick hatch out yesterday. Today when I just went to check on it my other broody hen was in the nest box with the momma hen and chick. The chick had obviously been pecked on both sides of its head. I brought it in and cleaned it up. I took it back out and put with the mom (yes I kicked other hen out) and the mom started pecking it a little. Then I tried to see if the broody hen would take it and she did the same. Put it back with mom one last time to watch and she kinda pecked at the wound so i took it away from her. Now I guess I'll have to either cull it or raise it. I've not done this before with chicks although I have raised ducklings. I know I need a box, a mirror, a small stuffed animal, food and water. What else? Should I keep it in the chicken house? I can keep it separated where no others can get to it. We're in Texas so it's HOT here. Upper 90's and we should get some 100s this weekend if forecast is correct. If I can keep it in the chicken coop that would be ideal. I cleaned it's wounds good but not sure what to put on it. I have an assortment of chicken meds. Poor little thing is just peeping away.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
fyi - there aren't any other chicks or eggs that will be hatched.
We had one chick hatch out yesterday. Today when I just went to check on it my other broody hen was in the nest box with the momma hen and chick. The chick had obviously been pecked on both sides of its head. I brought it in and cleaned it up. I took it back out and put with the mom (yes I kicked other hen out) and the mom started pecking it a little. Then I tried to see if the broody hen would take it and she did the same. Put it back with mom one last time to watch and she kinda pecked at the wound so i took it away from her. Now I guess I'll have to either cull it or raise it. I've not done this before with chicks although I have raised ducklings. I know I need a box, a mirror, a small stuffed animal, food and water. What else? Should I keep it in the chicken house? I can keep it separated where no others can get to it. We're in Texas so it's HOT here. Upper 90's and we should get some 100s this weekend if forecast is correct. If I can keep it in the chicken coop that would be ideal. I cleaned it's wounds good but not sure what to put on it. I have an assortment of chicken meds. Poor little thing is just peeping away.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
fyi - there aren't any other chicks or eggs that will be hatched.
Maybe you can find someone selling chicks around your area :)
100s is a little warm for baby chicks since they can't regulate their body temperature well. Low 90s is ok or even 80s.

If the mother returns to the nest at night, try putting the chick under her in the dark.

Cover the wounds with blu-kote or something similar.
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The mother is still on the nest. I thought I had something for wounds but I must have used it all. I have antibiotics, wormer, electrolytes and vitamins for water, syringes, etc. but nothing I can find for wound treatment. I also have doterra essential oils. I just washed with warm water and cotton ball. Should I do something else? I will take the chick out tonight and put with it's mom but I'll have to move them into an isolated area. This hen has not raised chicks before. Not sure how good of a mom she'll be. She didn't seem real attentive when I was watching.
We only let her hatch out one because we don't want/need any more chickens right now. She has been broody a while and I thought heck, mine as well let her have one.
I would follow the advice of the other people on here and use the blue kote so they don't peck it's head to death and then I would go out any purchase Adleast 1 day old chick so its not alone. Probably should put it in a brooder if the other chickens are already showing aggression...
Im not an expert but I would bring it inside for a while.
I too am in Texas and I will not put my chicks out till they are feathered out all the way.
Can you find one baby chick somewhere to keep it company?
Maybe keep it inside if possible so you can maintain the right temperature for it. I've used honey mixed with a little blue food coloring to put on peck wounds and it worked like a charm, don't put a huge glob just enough to cover the redness.I would really get another chick for it so it isn't alone as the stress could be really bad for it. Also try putting it under the hen while it's dark, even try putting the chick under the other broody if she has raised chicks before because that might work better as she knows what she's doing just make sure you watch them and make sure they don't continue to peck it. Good luck
I have the little one in the house with me in a box. I put a heating pad in one side covered with a towel (double layered), two little stuffed animals, a mirror, chick starter and water. It already ate a little bit and drank. I sure hope the mom or the other broody takes it back without pecking at it's wounds again. So yáll think it'll be okay thru the night with the hen? Not sure which one I should put it under. The other hen just went broody about 3 days ago but she has raised chicks a couple times before. It may do fine thru the night since it's dark but no one will be here tomorrow to take watch. I guess I can monitor it early in the morning to see how it's going. I can have my mom baby sit it at her house though if I need to. I don't have blue cote but can get some tomorrow.
I have the little one in the house with me in a box. I put a heating pad in one side covered with a towel (double layered), two little stuffed animals, a mirror, chick starter and water. It already ate a little bit and drank. I sure hope the mom or the other broody takes it back without pecking at it's wounds again. So yáll think it'll be okay thru the night with the hen? Not sure which one I should put it under. The other hen just went broody about 3 days ago but she has raised chicks a couple times before. It may do fine thru the night since it's dark but no one will be here tomorrow to take watch. I guess I can monitor it early in the morning to see how it's going. I can have my mom baby sit it at her house though if I need to. I don't have blue cote but can get some tomorrow.

Well if you have another chicken that has raised chicks before why not put the chick under her when it gets dark?
I am not an expert.....I am just observing and learning.....
If your other hen raised chicks before (I would) put the chick with her.

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