hair in the hen's nest


Mosquito Beach Poultry
11 Years
May 24, 2008
Southeast Arkansas
My friend wants me to ask if anyone has heard this one. Her granny told her that if you put hair in the hen's nest it will keep snakes away. So? Anybody?"
I've heard that, but think it's a fable. If you are having snake trouble couldn't hurt to try. Make sure the hair is cut short in case the chickens eat it. Also try searching the predator section for snake solutions.

Imp-Not many snakes here.
Well, the main thing is she is scared to death of snakes. She would like chickens, but figures if she ever found a snake in the nest box she wouldn't be able to go near it again.
Oh! That's a little different than what I was thinking. Only 3 options come to mind.
Pet Mongoose
House Chicken
Moving to Alaska or Ireland

I imagine snakes are prevalent where you are.

Imp- Hope your friend finds a solution.
I smell a divorce coming on with the "hair" idea.
Snakes came into my house via some holes in my soffit/facia (sp?). And right on up into my attic. Once the attic got too hot, they would find their way into the house, and then find me! We've since made the house as air tight and sealed as possible and haven't seen a snake since July (knock on wood!).
My house HAS to smell like humans, not to mention that I have 2 cats and 2 dogs...
I highly doubt the hair would work. Neither does mothballs, snake away, or sticky traps. They may deter for a while, but where there's one snake, there's bound to be more.
Just use expanding foam and hardware cloth on every crack and crevice that you find. Gather the eggs early if possible, not leaving a free meal out in the coop for long. And keep the yard free of debris that a snake could hide under or around. These things really worked for me.
Garter snakes were killed and consumed by my chickens twice now, and I did nothing to intervene... I figured if they attacked and killed them it was one less for me to worry about.

Good Luck!

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