Half Shell Hatch-A-Long! (Caution, unsuccessful, please read whole thread before attempting)

Can you see ETs face anymore?

I've had chicks that were breathing and peeping that hadn't penetrated the membrane yet. Both were assisted hatches. One was breathing heavily inside the membrane causing the membrane to move back and forth quickly like breathing in a paper bag (probably with limited oxygen because the blood vessels were mostly receded) so it was easy to see where to penetrate the membrane to make the internal pip for it, that was last year. The other was in my recent Marans hatch. It tried to pip and actually made a hairline crack in the external shell even but the membrane inside was really thick and didn't break. So that's twice that I've seen it first hand. I may need to read more on the science behind hatching because it doesn't make sense with everything I've read in the past but I had these chicks in my hands so I can't deny it.
I don't know that it's typical because most of the time if I'm assisting they've already pipped or are malpositioned so I can't see it. I haven't had any opportunities to watch a healthy hatch without the shell on, lol. I guess that's what makes this experiment so cool though!
I think usually they are internally pipped when they’re making noise. Could be a pip they can’t see since they didn’t open at the air cell. The chick could be in the wrong position.
Can you see ETs face anymore?

I've had chicks that were breathing and peeping that hadn't penetrated the membrane yet. Both were assisted hatches. One was breathing heavily inside the membrane causing the membrane to move back and forth quickly like breathing in a paper bag (probably with limited oxygen because the blood vessels were mostly receded) so it was easy to see where to penetrate the membrane to make the internal pip for it, that was last year. The other was in my recent Marans hatch. It tried to pip and actually made a hairline crack in the external shell even but the membrane inside was really thick and didn't break. So that's twice that I've seen it first hand. I may need to read more on the science behind hatching because it doesn't make sense with everything I've read in the past but I had these chicks in my hands so I can't deny it.
I've had chicks like this.

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