Halloween costumes

ok i changed my mind, i am dressed up as a gypsy:
I am not being anything.....just wearing an Harry P cloak (no I hate HP but it is a really nice cloak). But I am making my sis a pink chicken! and my brother is going to go as SWAT (special weapons and tactics) member!
I'm a pumpkin!
I know, it's simple, but I just wanted to be something classic and simple this year.
The last two years I was a head on a platter (I made the costume myself), I was a vampire the year before that, and then Spongebob, and a crocodile, and a horse, and a witch, and a fairy, and a butterfly, etc. etc. etc...So, I thought a pumpkin would be fun to do this year!
I have the actual pumpkin costume/suit, and I have a pumpkin hat, and I have makeup for my face.

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