HALLOWEGG Decorating Contest- Halloween Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally, & BantyChooks

Very nice!
Very nice!
Thank you! I would have more but trying to paint with curious little hands leads to many many messed up eggs. I may submit another 3 in a different style later on. but I wanted at least half to be Halloween themed.
Katie wanted to know if she could enter under my name. I told her that would probably be allowed, but if by any slim chance she won she'd have to donate the hatching eggs to another competitor because it's just too late in the year to hatch any chicks here. Would that be acceptable? If not, it's fine - I'll still let her make an entry but just to share, not as an actual entry.

Oh boy, can't wait to see her entries
My post disappeared just as I submitted it!!! I know you had something to do with that Banty!!!

I was trying to get the rules down pat before releasing my artistic side on an egg.

I thought I would like to make a "scary" egg. Then the follow two questions came to mind...

Is it possible to have anything scarier than a raw waterfowl egg?

Would decorating a waterfowl egg actually make it less scary?

Are you allowing eggs from lesser species like waterfowls in the contest even?


BTW I might be passing this contest up, I cannot even draw a stick figure that can be recognized as one...Some of you are way too good at this stuff!
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