HALP! My chicks are here from MPC. Only took 1 day-and I am NOT set up


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 7, 2010
I can't get away (I have a home daycare). We weren't expecting them until tomorrow - when my husband could have easily gone to the PO! Luckily, my girlfriend is on her lunch break right near the PO and getting them now. I am SCRAMBLING to get everything ready. I am almost done and she is almost here. NOW- I read that i should put newspaper down on top of my pine shavings, til they realize where the food is. Is this SUPER important? Of course there isn't a shred of newspaper or anything newspaper-like nearby. Any alternatives?? TIA!!
NOT newspaper at all, it's too slick. Paper towels. I use about 5 layers and peel a layer off every day. Good luck, now get off that computer and get ready!

Even an old towel will work at this point.
The priority is water and heat at this point. Just make sure you get the brooder up to 90-95 degrees ASAP. Make water available. NO NEWSPAPER! It's too slick and spraddle leg is a danger. Paper towels or any soft material (old pillowcases, towels, etc.) until they're a week old. Then you can go to pine shavings after the first week.
Good luck and have fun with your new babies!!!

I just hatched these on 3/5/10 and I like to use papertowels on the bottom of the brooder and toss in an old sock or pieces of old towel for them to cuddle up to for the first few days. They love it!
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Brooder all set up and warming. It was much too hot but I got the lamp right. Came down to check this- now getting paper towels!! Thank you so much!! Will post pics in a little bit. They should be here in about 10 minutes!
Good luck! I have a home day care too...the kids will love to observe the growth of your little chicks:) Paper towels are definitely the way to go, not newspapers. Keep the light on one side of the brooder...this way they can go to the other side if it gets too warm for them. Have fun!
Paper towels are SO easy! I buy a big 12 pack right before I get chicks and don't think twice about changing them several times a day, that way I don't run out and they stay as clean as possible!

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