Hands down, what is a chickens FAVORITE food/treat/scraps?

mine love tomatoes from the garden, zucchini, cucumbers, watermelon, cantaloupe, blackberries, corn on cob, cabbage, lettuce, cooked pasta and rice, yogurt, buttermilk mixed with oats, bread, but i guess their favorite is buttermilk and oats and bread mixed up

all i do to make this is take out of date buttermilk and pour it into a large bowl and crumble bread into it and put a few cups of uncooked oats into it and mix it all up sometimes i'll add boiled egg into it and some other goodies and they sure do love this stuff!!!! its like how much i love fried chicken! LOL
Hi! I am a new Rhode Island Red owner, 3, and this site has been wonderful. If I am in doubt I run here. Thank you all for the great information you have posted. Have to go now and give some watermelon to the girls...lol:)
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WHITE RICE!!! No matter how cold or hot out they will go crazy for it! No matter if they aren't in the best mood they will still go crazy for it. No matter how sick they are they will fight for it!
I honestly think my girls would try to eat anything you threw out for them. If they are in the coop and hear me walking along their pen they all come flying out~ Stumbling over top of each other, pushing, clucking and pecking~ LOL! Sometimes I'm just there to talk to them and take pictures and they make me feel guilty with their cute little eyes begging for a treat! Sometimes, because I feel guilty I will pull up grass and throw it over into their pen and they loooove it!

I have not tried giving them meal worms although I am positive they would love them. I have given them bug treats from the garden when we were breaking ground and planting, they received worms, grubs, centipedes and even two small garden snakes!

I didn't realize until joining here and reading that chickens ate all the things they do. My poor girls! Up until about 3 months ago they only had scratch and laying pellets!

My girls eat any and all cuttings/ends/strips/peels/tops from onions, strawberries, cilantro, cucumbers, potatoes, bell peppers etc... I can hardly wait until our garden produces so that I can give them green beans, tomatoes, squash and jalapenos (they are supposed to be very mild!). The non veggie things I have fed them that they love are: popcorn (just once a week... usually left over from the night before), bread, ham/neck bones with meat on them and their own egg shells.

I'm looking forward to feeding them cantaloupe and watermelon too!

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