Hands down, what is a chickens FAVORITE food/treat/scraps?

mine like watermelon but the last 2 days I gave them grapes, when i went out today they looked at me like "what no grapes??" so i had to go get more. the dive for them, steal them from each other and chase them if i roll them. its hysterical

i should add i had to cut the watermelon into little pieces, they wouldnt touch the rind. Cantalope was fished out the next day untouched.
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My little girls like zucchini and squash, cucumbers, watermelon, yogurt and cantaloupe mixed together was a hit, worms, any bug, corn on the cob is a favorite, its stripped in a matter of minutes

My older laying hens are crazy about bread. Just crinkle a plastic bag around them and their at attention. and heaven forbid I bring something else like salad greens in for them in a plastic bag. They scatter around searching for the bread that isn't there. When their outside it's all about worms, anyone who grabs a shovel has a following of chickens behind them.

The little chicks are wild about scrambled eggs. I scramble 2 up for them every morning while I send my husband off to work with no breakfast.

But failing that, mine like warmed porridge. Porridge is basically rolled oats mixed with either milk or water and heated in the microwave. I normally add enough water so that it is not so wet that they can't pick a lump up in their beaks (which is not as wet as how humans like it). I hate it, but my mum likes it and it is traditional in Scotland. It is great for getting supplements into them too - you can replace the water with bio-live yoghurt, add crushed up Rennies (basically calcium pills marketed as indigestion tablets) for birds with thin egg shells, add ACV, anything - they love the stuff.

I've also found that (pet!) rats are rather partial to the stuff - I had my friend's rats to stay whilst she went to a festival in Finland.
Squash bugs rule so far
Yesterday I noticed some of my squash plants looked puny. I checked them again this morning and found those nasty ole squash bugs
There were way too many of them to just pick off so I got a slick sided lid and cut off the infested stalks in it. I took it to the chicken run, dumped it out and WOW
did they gobble them up.

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