Hands on hatching and help

That's up to you. If you are going to be hands on, opening for any reason, I would add a wet sponge or cloth and push it up past 65% if possible. I shoot for at least 70% and use sponges in my bator.

If you are going to be hands off, leaving the incubator shut for hatch 60% can provide enough humidity. Yay! For pippers, congrats and good luck!

Depends on your bator too... but I keep a shotglass with sponges cut up in it with distilled water inside. I also keep a 2 inch funnel with aquarium tubing. If I need to open, I put that through my air vent and can quickly drop additional water into the bator. My basic start is wells filled with paper towels laid across to wick.
I didn't see the message that you had an external pip... good news.

It is not abnormal for those correctly positioned to rest awhile. Certainly, without the space it will take more time. Malpositioned chicks can hatch on their own. But as it has been said often, there is danger of intervening too soon.

It also seems difficult for malpos since the space of the aircell is basically lost. Correctly positioned chicks gain this space when they pip into the air cell. I have some D'uccles that began pipping internally this morning (first one) and there are no external pips yet. But with 1, I saw a short time ago, she (hopefully) didn't just have her beak in the air cell, but much of her body shared the space. I love to see that.
Just remember that you have people to help on here. Some are very experienced.
So happy to see you! :ya :hugsGlad you are feeling better! We have to catch up!
Definitely! Does the new site have the emotion-icons available on the phone or do I still have to type them in?? I'm so glad to be back on! :hugs
Oh, I'm absolutely overjoyed to see you again! You have most definitely been missed! I'm sorry that things didn't go well for you over the winter, and hope that you get back 100% soon. This does take some getting used to, but if even I can get it, you can too! Welcome home!
I have missed you too and your amazing sense of humor!! Did I read correctly that you ended up with ALL boys from my eggs??
QUOTE="RubyNala97, post: 18517137, member: 342087"]Hello All!! I don't even know where to start!! Today is the first time I've been on byc in months! First, the entire website is new and I don't even know how to use it. Second, my notifications have never come to my email because byc said there was a problem with AOL and today I received an email notification of a pm. So I hopped on and I see my name in previous posts. So very heartwarming. Everything here is going good, though I did have a rough winter. I have thyroid disease (since I was young) but this winter it just went wild and I really felt horrible for months. So I gave byc a break and had to use all my energy just to take care of these kids and all these chickens and ducks. But I am starting to feel better and I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone and learning how to use the new byc. I hope everyone is enjoying their spring and doing well. Of course I have some duck eggs in the incubator! xox
:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:frow I'm still getting used to it too. Glad your feeling better. I didn't miss you at all ;)
View attachment 1020504 Look what I got Ruby :love My grandson Oliver two months old now.
:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:frow I gave a few extra just to catch up[/QUOTE]
Hey K!!! :hugs Absolutely beautiful little grand baby!!! Congratulations! I'm so very happy for you. Thank you for all the hugs!!
Hi guys, have a humidity question..

So I'm incubating Marans eggs, kept them around 10% for the first 15 ish days. Tried candling but was too hard to see much of anything even with 2 flashlights. Could tell there was life though. Long story short, my temp was a little warm early on and tomorrow night at 9 pm would actually be day 21, or in other words Monday... and I currently have 3 external pips and just herd peeping! :ya My humidity is at 60%, should I try to adjust that?

TIA :wee
Congrats on the pips!! I've never hatched marans but I do know they are famous for being tricky to hatch. I love my humidity really high at hatch (like a LOT higher then 60) lol.
Depends on your bator too... but I keep a shotglass with sponges cut up in it with distilled water inside. I also keep a 2 inch funnel with aquarium tubing. If I need to open, I put that through my air vent and can quickly drop additional water into the bator. My basic start is wells filled with paper towels laid across to wick.
I just rewet my sponge(s) while I'm in there.

It is not abnormal for those correctly positioned to rest awhile. Certainly, without the space it will take more time. Malpositioned chicks can hatch on their own. But as it has been said often, there is danger of intervening too soon.

It also seems difficult for malpos since the space of the aircell is basically lost. Correctly positioned chicks gain this space when they pip into the air cell. I have some D'uccles that began pipping internally this morning (first one) and there are no external pips yet. But with 1, I saw a short time ago, she (hopefully) didn't just have her beak in the air cell, but much of her body shared the space. I love to see that.
Just remember that you have people to help on here. Some are very experienced.

You never know what position the chick is in with a malpo either. And pointed end malpos often have a harder time turning because it's much more narrow down there. Many can hatch on their own, but sometimes it's neccessary to help. Just not too soon...
Oh and I wanted to say that in my experience 8 out of 10 times my mal-positioned pippers will hatch all by themselves when they are ready. I have no problem being totally hands on but I always give my eggs lots of time to do it on their own first if they can.
Hey @RubyNala97 did you see the finale of my last hatch? I guess you could say your grand baby chicks... lol
Oh and I wanted to say that in my experience 8 out of 10 times my mal-positioned pippers will hatch all by themselves when they are ready. I have no problem being totally hands on but I always give my eggs lots of time to do it on their own first if they can.

Because she has patience....lol

Something I lack..lol
No, I didn't! I'm gonna zoom in now and look at all those cute babies! Did you keep these?
Sold them all! I had to take my sales ads down within 48 hours and still had more requests. I had posted the pics on the fb silkie page and had a ton of people ask if I would ship...lol

I kept 10 out of 3 different hatches. I got some pics of them today out in the run with the big silkies. I believe they are 7/9/11 weeks now. I'll put some pics up.

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