Hands on hatching and help

A picture I took today, just for a size comparison.

Okay, so my broody duck was sitting on 13 eggs. Twelve ducklings hatched on Tuesday. On Wednesday evening her last egg hatched but the duckling is quite small compared to the others. It walks around a little but is pretty wobbly on its feet. It sleeps a lot and just isn't as energetic as the other ducklings. I have seen it drink water but haven't seen it eat. Its stomach seems pretty big. I don't know if it just hasn't completely finished its yolk or if it's bloated. Or maybe it's normal, but it just seems really fat to me. I've also never seen it poop. Of course I'm not watching it all the time, but the other ducklings seem to be pooping constantly. The other ducklings are nearly twice his size and are always stepping on him. Do you guys think this sounds normal? I'm worried about him. Is there anything I can do to help him?

Separate the duckling immediately, put it in a brooder... if you have a small buddy for him, then even better, but he most likely won't make it if left with his siblings...

Get pics of his belly and check his vent for signs of pooping... sounds like yolk sac infection is most likely, will need an oral antibiotic ASAP... give him some Nutridrench Poultry vitamins to help give him a boost.. moisten feed and encourage eating...

Separate the duckling immediately, put it in a brooder... if you have a small buddy for him, then even better, but he most likely won't make it if left with his siblings...

Get pics of his belly and check his vent for signs of pooping... sounds like yolk sac infection is most likely, will need an oral antibiotic ASAP... give him some Nutridrench Poultry vitamins to help give him a boost.. moisten feed and encourage eating...


I'll get him first thing in the morning and put him in a brooder. Hopefully he'll be okay until then. It's 3:00am here so I don't want to go out there tonight. I have Nutridrench, but I am not sure how much to give to such a small duckling. Is there a certain kind of antibiotic I should give him and where can I get it? I'll try to get pics of his belly. Oh man, I really wish I had asked what to do sooner. I hope he makes it.
So my recent disaster, had a duckling in what I thought was a weird position. When I candled, I saw its pip and a foot(thats a first) after nearly 2 days, I poked air holes but didn't want to assist because there was still heavy veining. Sooo, it died yesterday evening. I cracked it open to see what I could decipher. It looked pretty large to start, and appeared bloated. The head was tucked under the right wing and it didn't seem to have any deformities. I still have 2 in the incubator that I've pegged to hatch this weekend (which is when this one should have also) any thought on what went wrong?? I was thinking maybe internal deformity, or it was just huge.. Maybe both.
So my recent disaster, had a duckling in what I thought was a weird position. When I candled, I saw its pip and a foot(thats a first) after nearly 2 days, I poked air holes but didn't want to assist because there was still heavy veining. Sooo, it died yesterday evening. I cracked it open to see what I could decipher. It looked pretty large to start, and appeared bloated. The head was tucked under the right wing and it didn't seem to have any deformities. I still have 2 in the incubator that I've pegged to hatch this weekend (which is when this one should have also) any thought on what went wrong?? I was thinking maybe internal deformity, or it was just huge.. Maybe both.

What was your humidity for incubation?

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