Hands on hatching and help

:loveThankyou, i know i will be an anxious mess so i'm so grateful for this forum!!

As good as we are with helping incubations, we are just as good at hand-holding through the anxious waiting times. Lots of "been there, done that" and know what you will be going through. So glad to have you aboard!
Just keep the membrane moist, and let it rest. I've had them appear near death too, and survive. It will rest alot now. Remember, we usually don't see what's going on in there!

You could still have a good 24 hours or more before that baby is ready to push out. So patience will be key now. :hugs

Unfortunately my little one died before I could get him out of the shell :(
I think his mate is also dead, although I haven't opened the shell to assess it.
I seem to have the worst luck ever with hatching, doesn't matter broody or incubator none of them seem to work for me.

I do have a candling question, I am incubating guinea eggs in my hova bator, tonight marks the end of day 21, (7days to go) I quickly candled them and I don't see movement in any of them:barnie the shells are very thick so they are hard to see through. I Can see a distinctive air cell, but the rest of the egg looks very black with no movement. Is this normal I was sure that I would see movement right up till hatching? does this mean that they are all dead? I want to prepare myself in case next week nothing hatches. please let me know your thoughts.

This is such a stressful addiction:eek:
Unfortunately my little one died before I could get him out of the shell :(
I think his mate is also dead, although I haven't opened the shell to assess it.
I seem to have the worst luck ever with hatching, doesn't matter broody or incubator none of them seem to work for me.

I do have a candling question, I am incubating guinea eggs in my hova bator, tonight marks the end of day 21, (7days to go) I quickly candled them and I don't see movement in any of them:barnie the shells are very thick so they are hard to see through. I Can see a distinctive air cell, but the rest of the egg looks very black with no movement. Is this normal I was sure that I would see movement right up till hatching? does this mean that they are all dead? I want to prepare myself in case next week nothing hatches. please let me know your thoughts.

This is such a stressful addiction:eek:
Tap the shell and listen for peeps. They will often peep if they are still going.

There is a very good chance that you have a temperature problem in the genesis. Get a Brinsea spot check thermometer. I had a Genesis that was two degrees too low.

Tap the shell and listen for peeps. They will often peep if they are still going.

There is a very good chance that you have a temperature problem in the genesis. Get a Brinsea spot check thermometer. I had a Genesis that was two degrees too low.


no peeping.
My last run they hatched out 3 days early (reading 99.9 - 100.0) (only 3 out of 13 hatched) so I lowered the temp (99.0) this time around and I put a secondary thermometer in that reads 99.9 - 100.1
I am running it dry and it is staying between 29% - 38% mostly about 30 - 32.
I don't get what I am doing wrong. So confused and disappointed.
no peeping.
My last run they hatched out 3 days early (reading 99.9 - 100.0) (only 3 out of 13 hatched) so I lowered the temp (99.0) this time around and I put a secondary thermometer in that reads 99.9 - 100.1
I am running it dry and it is staying between 29% - 38% mostly about 30 - 32.
I don't get what I am doing wrong. So confused and disappointed.
Get the brinsea spot check since it is one of the best and is only for incubation.

Not adding water is dangerous since below 25% is the zone of death for incubation. IF you are keeping steady temperatures then keep humidity closer to 40%. Also:

Keep the incubator away from windows, heating\cooling vents and sources of drafts.
The room needs to stay stable in temperature too.

Genesis is a very good incubator but it is sensitive to temperature fluctuations.

For humidity, I will use:

Humidity cup.jpg

It fits next to the rails in the incubator. It raises humidity and need to be fill back up every 3 days or so
Unfortunately my little one died before I could get him out of the shell :(
I think his mate is also dead, although I haven't opened the shell to assess it.
I seem to have the worst luck ever with hatching, doesn't matter broody or incubator none of them seem to work for me.

I do have a candling question, I am incubating guinea eggs in my hova bator, tonight marks the end of day 21, (7days to go) I quickly candled them and I don't see movement in any of them:barnie the shells are very thick so they are hard to see through. I Can see a distinctive air cell, but the rest of the egg looks very black with no movement. Is this normal I was sure that I would see movement right up till hatching? does this mean that they are all dead? I want to prepare myself in case next week nothing hatches. please let me know your thoughts.

This is such a stressful addiction:eek:

Sorry to hear that your little ones didn't make it. :hugs

And good luck on your guinea hatch! Hopefully all goes well.
Preparing for my Cayuga eggs, Covina 24 egg incubator is todays purchase. Has anyone got any experience with this?


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no peeping.
My last run they hatched out 3 days early (reading 99.9 - 100.0) (only 3 out of 13 hatched) so I lowered the temp (99.0) this time around and I put a secondary thermometer in that reads 99.9 - 100.1
I am running it dry and it is staying between 29% - 38% mostly about 30 - 32.
I don't get what I am doing wrong. So confused and disappointed.

I agree with Ron, thinking maybe your temps are higher than you think. Humidity sounds ok, but if it's warmer than you think, that throws off humidity too, since its a relative number.
I love the Spot Check also, but mine is actually off. It took one of my husbands fancy meters to verify it. But i still recommend them, because they read so quickly and usually very accurately.

Best of luck with the guineas!!

Preparing for my Cayuga eggs, Covina 24 egg incubator is todays purchase. Has anyone got any experience with this?

Interesting. Never seen that one.

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