Hands on hatching and help

Okay, so I made a tiny hole in the membrane, got one of the tiny veins but not much blood. now what? do I wait for the blood to be absorbed? will this take like 4 hours or all night? I don't know if I should wait up, will it need more assistance or do I just leave it overnight and see what it looks like in the morning?

Leave it overnight, it will take a while... reapply the coconut oil as needed... don't use damp paper towels against any part of the egg, that can chill fhe embryo and draw out more moisture in the long run... :fl
Okay guys, have a situation where I've been in the process of an assist for over 12hrs, the chicks failed attempt to hatch began over 48hrs ago. I don't have any of the electrolyte stuff for chicks and don't think anywhere near me even carries it. Is there anything I can make at home to give to it to perk it up once the hatch is complete? It's obviously exhausted and I'm worried the stress of this hatch might take it out if I'm not able to get it some energy soon...

I never use electrolytes stuff, I use Nutridrench vitamins... someone mentioned a molasses and sugar mixture, I think?
Leave it overnight, it will take a while... reapply the coconut oil as needed... don't use damp paper towels against any part of the egg, that can chill fhe embryo and draw out more moisture in the long run... :fl
Hmmm....I don't have molasses...what about just a sugar water mix? I've honestly never felt the need to give anything other than food and water after a hatch, but I've also never had a hatch go as crazy and require as much assistance and time as this one so I figure it couldn't hurt.
Hmmm....I don't have molasses...what about just a sugar water mix? I've honestly never felt the need to give anything other than food and water after a hatch, but I've also never had a hatch go as crazy and require as much assistance and time as this one so I figure it couldn't hurt.

Should help...
I lubricated it again, and movement has lessened significantly. still lots of veining:(
I think its going to die:hit
I feel so bad.

Just keep the membrane moist, and let it rest. I've had them appear near death too, and survive. It will rest alot now. Remember, we usually don't see what's going on in there!

You could still have a good 24 hours or more before that baby is ready to push out. So patience will be key now. :hugs
Watching this thread, will be incubating duck eggs soon and have never incubated before. Hard to get breed that i care a great deal about going well. Reading just in case.

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