Hands on hatching and help

For a couple weeks now I've delt with trying to ignore certain issues and comments made between the two threads that I started (hands on hatching and help and she said/he said) and it's getting so frustrating that I am going to say a couple things. I try to be poliet and tolerant and not make other people's experiences on BYC crappy for them, but I realized by not voicing my grievances, I'm making it more unpleasant for myself and the other members of these two threads that contribute greatly and are getting frustrated as well, and there are many.

OK, first, if you are going to post on here and respond to something someone else says, for the good grace of God and our sanity, QUOTE the person that you are talking too!!!!! Or at least tag them!! It's getting obnoxious trying to figure out who certain people are talking to or what issue they are addressing, when quotes or tags are not used. The feature is there for a reason. It doesn't mess up anything or "hurt" to use it, and makes it easier to figure out what the heck you are talking about.

My second biggest gripe is what the threads were started for. The She said/He said thread was started so that hatchers from different philosophies could come together and compare and discuss how they hatch and what works for them and help others to see that there are MANY ways and philosophies/methods that work with great success. This threads promotes differences and tolerance through civil discussion and offers help to those who come looking.
The hands on hatching and help thread, is exactly for what the thread title reads. This is for hands on hatchers- people who are more involved with their hatch, that are not hands "off". This is for people who want to assist chicks, candle and be able to open their bator without having to hear someone gripe about them doing so. It is not a place to come and throw in hands off approaches, to tell people they shouldn't be candling or assisting or whatever they are doing that differs from your hands off perspective. We are a HANDS ON group, we don't care that you think candling is bad. Please respect the very essence of what the thread was created for. We understand that our way isn't the only way, that's fine, but this is what the thread is about. If you are not hands on, looking for help or understanding of our "way" then it's probably not the thread for you. Because I will get very loud and probably not poliet when I see anti- hands on remarks on a hands on thread. I don't like looking like a pyscho witch, so please don't make me.

Just a note of thought: If you are asking for help and advice -anywhere and people are willing to help you and take time to process your problem and give you suggestions and you shoot every single thing down that they say, you probably aren't going to recieve a lot of help in the future, after all, you don't need it, cause you already know it all......
I know exactly what you are saying. Over on the Mama Heating Pad thread, we've had a few posters come in and try to tell us that this just can't work. Maybe not for them, and that's fine. We get that it isn't for everyone, and gladly say so. They are still welcome to hang around and visit. sometimes they decide to try it, sometimes they don't, but they are treated with respect regardless. But it gets a little tough when someone says that putting chicks under a heating pad frame with a heating pad on top is the same as putting them in a miniature MRI and will fry their little brains. My daughter even made this photo of Agatha for me during that debacle and I used it as my avatar for a short time, I was that fed up:

Folks come to MHP thread to learn, ask questions, answer questions, share experiences good and bad, help each other, and laugh. That's the way I see this thread. I haven't had to assist a hatch yet, but now I think I can do it if the time comes. I'd never done an eggtopsy before, but I did it. And repeated candling has taught me more than all the charts and photos on the planet. So although at this point I have little to offer to others yet, I do come away with more support than I had when I popped in, and that's invaluable. Keep it going, Amy.
Hi again everyone! Been a while. :frow

Anyway- I just recently set a batch of shipped eggs, and was able to see veining in quite a few. Some of them have rather funny air cells, they were saddled at first, but now seem to have gotten worse and are completely free-floating? :confused:

They seem to have fluid in them as well. Does this mean they probably won't re-attach and are scrambled? Thanks!!

ETA: I am on Day 7.
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Hi again everyone! Been a while.

Anyway- I just recently set a batch of shipped eggs, and was able to see veining in quite a few. Some of them have rather funny air cells, they were saddled at first, but now seem to have gotten worse and are completely free-floating?

They seem to have fluid in them as well. Does this mean they probably won't re-attach and are scrambled? Thanks!!

ETA: I am on Day 7.
Banty!!! I haven't had to deal with detached air cells so far, but I hear they are bad news. Hopefully one of the others can help.
:frow  Banty!!!  I haven't had to deal with detached air cells so far, but I hear they are bad news. Hopefully one of the others can help.


Thank you!! Most have re-attached, so if some are terrible, I won't feel too bad. Keeping expectations nice and low.... :fl
Hi again everyone! Been a while.

Anyway- I just recently set a batch of shipped eggs, and was able to see veining in quite a few. Some of them have rather funny air cells, they were saddled at first, but now seem to have gotten worse and are completely free-floating?

They seem to have fluid in them as well. Does this mean they probably won't re-attach and are scrambled? Thanks!!

ETA: I am on Day 7.

I still have a few floaties in my Serama eggs too. I'm really not sure what's going to happen, but I'll keep my fingers crossed for us both!

Good news is fertility was fantastic! 16 of 19 eggs still going on Day 8 (2 clear, 1 bloodring)
I still have a few floaties in my Serama eggs too.  I'm really not sure what's going to happen, but I'll keep my fingers crossed for us both! 

Good news is fertility was fantastic!  16 of 19 eggs still going on Day 8  (2 clear, 1 bloodring)

I hope they re-attach! :fl

Great!! Fingers crossed for them. Serama are adorable. :fl
Banty, until I got this latest batch of Silkie eggs all I had were bad air cells!! Grrrr In fact, they were so bad that, as I think you know, out of 39 eggs I got 3 chicks! These from @RubyNala97 were so good that even at the last candling when it was time to mark air cells I wasn't sure they looked okay - seemed way too small and tight after what I'd seen before! Duh, Diane!!

Can't offer you any words of wisdom but do have empathy - I know how frustrating it is. Wish you all the best of luck!

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