Hands on hatching and help


My first external!! It's actually the third to internally pip. It's in a hurry, I guess! I'm so excited!!:weee

Geez I wish my polish baby would hurry up. It's still internally pipped only but I can hear it chirping lol.

I set 9 silkie-americauna just 3 days ago. :D

I. Setting some ameraucanas next week lol. :)
A quick update on my aspirating chick - it made it! It's actually doing well now. Unfortunately it's not a keeper as far as breeding goes but I'm considering keeping it as a layer if it's a female.

I also set three peafowl eggs and ten WH eggs today, and I'll be locking down some AC eggs later.

Wow! This thread will be busy in 3 weeks!

Woke up at 2am to a baby. First one to internally pip was the first one out. First one to externally pip was just starting his zip and I got to watch it! :D They are barred rock. I think I have a boy and girl, but until they're dry its hard to tell. Waiting on the other two eggs now, which have been wxternally pipped for awhile, pipped exactly where I hoped they would, and are cheeping like crazy. Yay!

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Question because these are my first hatchlings. I tried to search normal behavior, but all I find is abnormal stuff. Is it normal for them to breathe with mouths open like they're panting? They keep doing it on and off. Temps at 100-100.5. They jump up, peep, peck around, wobble and fall, wobble and;) fall, and then collapse asleep in that scary way baby birds do. ;)
Well I woke up this morning and my chick still hadn't pipped. Candled and tapped, no movement or chirping. Opened it up chick suffocated. It was to big to move. It took up most of the shell. This was my one and only polish so I'm just do down right now I could cry. I heard it chirping last night and everything. I could have saved it but I didn't want to go in to early. I'm just kicking myself right now.. :(
Question because these are my first hatchlings. I tried to search normal behavior, but all I find is abnormal stuff. Is it normal for them to breathe with mouths open like they're panting? They keep doing it on and off. Temps at 100-100.5. They jump up, peep, peck around, wobble and fall, wobble and;) fall, and then collapse asleep in that scary way baby birds do. ;)

Are they in the brooder or still in the incubator?

Well I woke up this morning and my chick still hadn't pipped. Candled and tapped, no movement or chirping. Opened it up chick suffocated. It was to big to move. It took up most of the shell. This was my one and only polish so I'm just do down right now I could cry. I heard it chirping last night and everything. I could have saved it but I didn't want to go in to early. I'm just kicking myself right now.. :(

I'm so sorry :hugs
If it got that big, then your humidity must have been too high throughout incubation. But once they internally pip, and actually move into the air cell, it does look like they are too large, but they are just expanding into the extra room. Dont beat yourself up. Maybe it just wasn't strong enough.
Are they in the brooder or still in the incubator?
I'm so sorry :hugs
If it got that big, then your humidity must have been too high throughout incubation. But once they internally pip, and actually move into the air cell, it does look like they are too large, but they are just expanding into the extra room. Dont beat yourself up. Maybe it just wasn't strong enough.

My humidity has been pretty low during incubation. It had been in my brinsea mini and those just seem impossible to keep the humidity up. It wasn't swollen or mushy either. It just took up the whole egg in an unnatural way. I had another one pass from my silkie hatch that was like this. I wish I knew what I was doing wrong so I could fix it. I have more eggs in the incubator. Almost all have internally pipped but none have externals yet. Today is going to be a long day. :(
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