Hands on hatching and help

Most all my eggs pip on day 20 through early day 21 and most all are hatched by late day 21. But my incubator temp has been set so that happens.
Well, its been shaking the eggs a lot, and I know it's internally pipped already. But no external pip yet
Well, it doesn't sound eggbound, thank goodness. My Serama that just hatched chicks 7 weeks ago, laid an egg today! Some of her sisters still have not laid, and she laid for a month before going broody. Never know about these darn hens. :D
Oh, my point was, I had seen her going in and out of the coop alot over the last few days, even without the chicks, so I had a feeling it was coming. So maybe that's what your silkie is doing.

Are you incubating anything yet?

I just set 5 Ayam Eggs today and the 1 silkie egg to test fertility!!!

So, me being me, I pulled out one of the eggs to candle it. First I put it up to my ear, and to my excitement, I hear pecking. So hopefully it'll be one of those that pips and zips fairly quickly, and soon lol

Soon!!!! My earliest pippers were always day 19 but majority were day 20 and all were almost out by day 21...I would get some late ones but keep them in until day 24 or 25. Just incase your temps ran low...:) good luck!
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Thank you for your helpful advice. I'll wait it out. :thumbsup

Anything happen?

So, me being me, I pulled out one of the eggs to candle it. First I put it up to my ear, and to my excitement, I hear pecking. So hopefully it'll be one of those that pips and zips fairly quickly, and soon lol

Pip yet?? :caf

I just set 5 Ayam Eggs today and the 1 silkie egg to test fertility!!!!

Sweet! Are these from your ACs or did you find more eggs? Keep us posted, and good luck!

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