Hands on hatching and help

UPDATE.....When I went to bed last night there were the same (4) still running around and several that had external pips. Earlier this morning, there were a total of (7) running around so three hatched over night. Another (5) have hatched since 830a EST and there are another (8) that have externally pipped also. (5) others that don't seem to be doing much. Might venture into them later this afternoon if no progress. Will check for an internal pip first. Hoping to get some photos also by the end of the day. Thank you to those who offered up advice and encouragement
This has more to do with after hatching but I thought I would share a video of how I make my huddle hut.
One huddle hut is good for about 10-12 chicks, you can use more than one if you have more chicks in the brooder, it is meant for moderate temperatures not for colder outdoor use.
UPDATE # 2: With everything going so well, it was only a matter of time before things took a turn south, There was one that was about 90% zipped all around and not even 20 minutes later I look in and no movement - dead. That made me really concerned about the other pippers but none made much of any progress since this morning (some still with the small external pip for at least 12 hours). I gently removed the shell from around the external pip and have found them breathing and moving around but the bright white membrane just sort of peels off them leaving a more vulnerable 'coating' that visibly shows small blood vessels/veins. What is one to do now? It is like they are 1/2 in the egg and the other 1/2 exposed to the world. Now the stress level is in overdrive for me. Suggestions?
Thanks ill try that. I've never had luck with mine developing so I assumed these would end all duds. Hopefully not.so I I should set them for a few days without turning? I'm using a brinsea Eco.
Try a couple days first some people do a week but I worry they would get stuck to the shells. Check to see if they've attached then plug the turner in. Mine are starting to attach now
Sorry about your malpo Kathy, good luck with it!

So I've got eight Calls out, all assisted. One malpo is still hanging in there. The deformed one died, but it was never going to make it. Its top beak hadn't really formed at all, it was just a stub, and its brain was growing outside its head. I'm actually pretty glad it died before hatch so I didn't have to put the poor thing down.

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