Hands on hatching and help

Here is the malpo. The bruise on the shell is where it tried to pip:
Good Luck!!

Sorry about your malpo Kathy, good luck with it!

So I've got eight Calls out, all assisted. One malpo is still hanging in there. The deformed one died, but it was never going to make it. Its top beak hadn't really formed at all, it was just a stub, and its brain was growing outside its head. I'm actually pretty glad it died before hatch so I didn't have to put the poor thing down.
sorry about the one but was definitely the best thing to happen to it unfortunately
good luck on the rest!
Sorry about your malpo Kathy, good luck with it!

So I've got eight Calls out, all assisted. One malpo is still hanging in there. The deformed one died, but it was never going to make it. Its top beak hadn't really formed at all, it was just a stub, and its brain was growing outside its head. I'm actually pretty glad it died before hatch so I didn't have to put the poor thing down.
One of the rare moments we pray it doesn't survive. Good luck with the others pop pics on when they are fluffed up and recovered
Sorry about your malpo Kathy, good luck with it!

So I've got eight Calls out, all assisted. One malpo is still hanging in there. The deformed one died, but it was never going to make it. Its top beak hadn't really formed at all, it was just a stub, and its brain was growing outside its head. I'm actually pretty glad it died before hatch so I didn't have to put the poor thing down.
Glad you got some out, and sorry about the one that died.
Sorry about your malpo Kathy, good luck with it!

So I've got eight Calls out, all assisted. One malpo is still hanging in there. The deformed one died, but it was never going to make it. Its top beak hadn't really formed at all, it was just a stub, and its brain was growing outside its head. I'm actually pretty glad it died before hatch so I didn't have to put the poor thing down.


Congrats on the 8 though! Aren't they stinkin adorable! How many left?

C'mon little one! :fl
So I wasn't expecting anything else to hatch until the 17th, but some of my turkey eggs had other ideas. I have one hatched and one zipping 2 days early. I think because I live in Florida and it was very warm outside so the eggs must have actually started to incubate before I collected them from the turkey coop. Will take pics after the second one hatches.
UPDATE.....When I went to bed last night there were the same (4) still running around and several that had external pips.  Earlier this morning, there were a total of (7) running around so three hatched over night.  Another (5) have hatched since 830a EST and there are another (8) that have externally pipped also.  (5) others that don't seem to be doing much.  Might venture into them later this afternoon if no progress.  Will check for an internal pip first. Hoping to get some photos also by the end of the day.  Thank you to those who offered up advice and encouragement :)  


Try a couple days first some people do a week but I worry they would get stuck to the shells. Check to see if they've attached then plug the turner in. Mine are starting to attach now

I'm the same. Even though I've seen people go a week without turning I wouldn't be comfortable going more than 4 days.

My hatch should be coming around May 3-4.:celebrate

Good luck!

Sorry about your malpo Kathy, good luck with it!

So I've got eight Calls out, all assisted. One malpo is still hanging in there. The deformed one died, but it was never going to make it. Its top beak hadn't really formed at all, it was just a stub, and its brain was growing outside its head. I'm actually pretty glad it died before hatch so I didn't have to put the poor thing down.

Now I'm up to 11 out and seven more to go. Yes, they are ridiculously cute :love

And my gosling has internally pipped as well :D

Yay for the hatchers! Glad the deformed one went on his own too.

So I wasn't expecting anything else to hatch until the 17th, but some of my turkey eggs had other ideas. I have one hatched and one zipping 2 days early. I think because I live in Florida and it was very warm outside so the eggs must have actually started to incubate before I collected them from the turkey coop. Will take pics after the second one hatches. 


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