Hands on hatching and help

Just wanted to update on my call eggs. 4 of the 5 are developing. I'm so excited! Still have a long ways to go but praying a few hatch. Been keeping my humidity at 40 percent even though I have to wet a sponge daily. Have them upright in an egg carton and just started hand turning. Let them sit for 3 days. Hopefully thats helped the detached air cells. Still have a few that look saddle shaped so those will probably need assistance later but I'm just happy at this point to see life!
HELP, one my ducking have pip and is make some noise however there been no change in the past day. The membrane has gone a yellow colour, I have upped the humility. I bit worried.

Should I be ?
HELP, one my ducking have pip and is make some noise however there been no change in the past day. The membrane has gone a yellow colour, I have upped the humility. I bit worried.

Should I be ?

Ducklings take alot longer to hatch then chicks. It can take as long as 48 hours sometimes. If the membrane looks dry you can put a little Vaseline on the membrane to keep it from drying to much. Just be careful not to get it on the nares..
It has change to a clearer colour now with red ish colour line but really hard to tell. How long from pip to some shell coming off does it normally take
Hatching help please! Today is day 21 for my chicken eggs. Five pipped yesterday, three of those hatched during the night. One is about 1/3 unzipped and has progressed so I am not worried. The other one I am worried about. The humidity dropped during the night and he just has a big hole with dry membrane. It looks like a wing at the hole. He is alive but hasn't progressed since 7:30 this morning.
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Hatching help please! Today is day 21 for my chicken eggs. Five pipped yesterday, three of those hatched during the night. One is about 1/3 unzipped and has progressed so I am not worried. The other one I am worried about. The humidity dropped during the night and he just has a big hole with dry membrane. It looks like a wing at the hole. He is alive but hasn't progressed since 7:30 this morning.

Is ot still chirping lively like? I wont help before 24 hours from pip bit sometimes when they make a big hole like this its because they get stuck and can't turn. If it seems weak. Sometimes I will pull off the shell but leave the membrane in a zip around the egg then cover the membrane with Vaseline.
Is ot still chirping lively like? I wont help before 24 hours from pip bit sometimes when they make a big hole like this its because they get stuck and can't turn. If it seems weak. Sometimes I will pull off the shell but leave the membrane in a zip around the egg then cover the membrane with Vaseline.
He is still chirping pretty lively but not as much as the one who is zipping. I am worried he is stuck. A few of the eggs air sacs looked small when I candled last week. It has been more than 24 hours since he pipped. I am a teacher and this is occurring during a test so I will intervene at lunch in an hour if nothing happens.
He is still chirping pretty lively but not as much as the one who is zipping.  I am worried he is stuck.  A few of the eggs air sacs looked small when I candled last week.  It has been more than 24 hours since he pipped.  I am a teacher and this is occurring during a test so I will intervene at lunch in an hour if nothing happens.

If still lively I'm sure all is fine. It can't hurt to help though as long as passed the 24 hour mark. Just be careful you done tear the membrane and watch for veining. If you see bleeding at all staunch with cornstarch and leave it.

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